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Posts posted by FalseIncarnate


    This should definitely be added, sometimes the HoP needs to take a break or is away from his office. Maybe the shutters can have a little stickied note on it saying "On break!"


    Perhaps if instead of a little note, the HoP gets a personal monitor that can be edited from inside the office. This way, should the Captain call a meeting of the heads, or the HoP decides to take a stroll, they can have it say "In meeting" or "On break". Alternatively, they can also use it to say stuff like "Clowns will get no access" or something.


    You know, because they get enough people demanding access as it is.



    First off, just gonna quickly apologize if this turns out to be utter crap. I usually don't do the whole "introduce yourself" forum section pretty much anywhere, but I feel like this is a good exception.


    So yea, that aside, I'm FalseIncarnate. You might have heard me pop into OOC in the middle of the night (for me at least, your timezone may differ) and probably have passed my characters in the hall at least once. I'm gonna break this down into 2 sections: IC / OOC stuff.


    [iC stuff:/size]


    My main characters are Phillip Rowerly (human) and Ryder Holdeman (IPC). I have a third character that is probably going to be either remade or deleted, since I played him for one round before returning to my mains.


    Both Phillip and Ryder share Xenoarch experience, otherwise they have little intentional department overlap (I say intentional because sometimes I join a job with the wrong character). Phillip spends most of his time in the Medical Department, though he was originally a Botanist. Ryder spent a respectable amount of time as a Bartender before transferring into Engineering, where he serves most commonly as a Life Support Tech, before recently taking interest in Xenobiology.


    Despite the range of my job knowledge, I try to limit the characters' knowledge to their specific job history. Ryder knows practically no medicine beyond how to repair himself, while Phillip would stare blankly at Atmosia. They each have their own personalities, though they share common traits such as being protective of those they consider close to them. Both of their personalities are based off of how I view my own, albeit with some small revisions in a couple spots.


    [OOC stuff:/size]


    Out of character, I'm a college student who is working towards Video Game Design / Programming. I'm a coder and have made a few little things here and there mostly for fun, including a couple games or game supplements for myself and friends. I have also begun delving into the server's code, and recently submitted a pull request on some fixes I've made for Hydroponics. I hope it's the first of a series of fixes and improvements I contribute, but I'm trying not to overwhelm myself between coding, work, and school, so I likely won't be churning out any major stuff regularly.


    I've been playing SS13 for about a month or so now, and was lucky enough to try out Paradise Station first. I liked it and the players on it, so I've stuck around since, playing at least a shift or two a day minimum. I am typically on late at night (Eastern US Timezone), though if I find myself with a day off, I'll hop on during the day when I can.


    So yea, that was my intro I guess. Hope I didn't bore the crap out of you with it, feel free to ask me about stuff and I'll try to answer them (or give some excuse why I'm not answering)



    Young heads/captains/surgeons/scientists, I don't care how skilled your character is, a 19 year old probably won't have a masters degree in robotic engineering, and if you're under 25, you probably won't be a head.


    I think there is a room for reasonable debate on that statement. For example, IPCs pretty much have the potential to know a job at a young age if they get programmed for it. A human knowing how to perform brain surgery at 19? Unlikely, but if they've spent their entire childhood learning medicine and are a child prodigy (Doogie Hower, M.D. anyone?) it could be justified. Just gotta RP the shit out of it and have a damn good backstory in my opinion.


    Now for the thing that pisses me off: Bar drinks can't be poured out.


    Seriously. They can't.



    In response to Nahki's traitor story: flooding the station with ANY of the non-standard air mix gases is always a questionable method. While N2O does knock people out rather than flat out kill them (assuming you didn't entirely replace the air-supply with only N2O and nothing else), it is still territory in which you want to A-help it.


    The rules are pretty clear that atmos antagging is fickle ground for bans, so always get an admin to green light the action before flooding. If no admin is on, consider a slightly less grand-scale method... like possibly switching someone's internals with a Sleep gas tank (like the ones in medical, but in a normal oxygen tank instead for disguise) and blowing a hole in the hull to make them use their tampered internals.


    I always prefer to see antags use cunning and finesse over pure brute force. Sure, blowing the head off of each security officer you encounter is an easy way to ensure you don't get perma-brigged and loyalty implanted before stealing that laser, but it's not as impressive as convincing the captain that you are his ally and friend, and slowly corrupting his views until he hands you the laser willingly under the belief that everyone else is trying to get it and you're the only one he can trust.


    Surgical strikes and pinpoint precision, while harder, are more impressive and likely to end favorably than rampaging until you finally shoot the right guy.



    I'm personally a fan of the Human, Diona, and Machine People races.


    Humans: First character, easy to play, not much background reading to roleplay correctly.


    Diona: Crazy strong at the cost of speed (which is understandable), plus being able to respawn as a nymph and evolve into a full Diona is a cool mechanic.


    Machine People: Immune to almost everything, easily repaired, and a hilarious race to roleplay in certain situations. (I like to play a bartender with mine, which is hilarious since he can't drink and therefore has no clue what the drinks actually are like)


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