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Posts posted by Sadhorizon

  1. Hello! Ever wanted to add some pretty GIFs to our wiki? But are the unknown random tools scary? With this guide, you will learn how to create a GIF without installing anything except for stuff you already should have - BYOND and MS paint.

    I will immediately answer this question - yes, this method is dumb... but it works... so it's probably fine!


    For purposes of this guide, I will try making a GIF that is swapping between those two mining gas masks.

    1. First thing to do, let's double click the one on the left. This should open the file.

    2. Once that is done, click the selection tool (top left) and select whole 32x32 sprite offers.

    3. Copy it, and let's move to a real professional program - MS Paint!
    4. Downsize the canvas as much as you can, then paste the file you just copied.

    5. Now try changing it's size. Change to pixel tab, swap values to 64s, and confirm. This is because 64x64 images are our wiki's standard.


    6. It should now be pretty and 64x64! Copy it all again.


    7. Now, go to some folder, or your desktop, and make a new .txt file. This can be done by right clicking.


    8. Change it's file type to .dmi. Make sure in your folder settings you have ticked the option to see those!


    9. Open the .dmi file and change it's size to 64x64. This is in top right of the window.



    10. With that done, create a new icon.


    11. Paste our gas mask here.


    12. Select the fill tool, and right click the grey area around the gas mask (you should have blank pixels selected as secondary color by default, if not, you can change it in bottom right). This should get rid of those pesky backgrounds!



    13. At the bottom of the window, click in this spot to add a new frame.


    14. Repeat steps 1-6 and 11-12 for second icon of our gas mask. This shouldn't take THAT long.

    At this point, your editor should look something like this:


    15. Now, let's adjust the GIF's speed. The underlined values represent just that. It is worth noting, they are shown in ticks.


    1 tick = 0.1 seconds, in this case.

    Let's change the value! I'll go with 10 ticks for every frame - this results in one second between each frame.


    16. Now return to the main file by pressing the back arrow in bottom right.


    17. Right click the icon you just made and press "export".


    18. Save it as whatever you want, just make sure to select .GIF as the extension (at the bottom of the file browser)!


    19. File is now ready to be uploaded to the wiki! You do it like with every other image.


    Thank you for reading this extremely useful guide, and happy editing!


    • Like 1
  2. Name: Zvikk, Guard Of Clan Zarlan

    Full Name: Zvikk, Noble Guard Of Clan Zarlan

    Age: 23 (about halfway through his life in Kidan years, not as young as it may seem)

    Gender: Male

    Species: Kidan

    General Occupational Role(s):

    • Blueshield
    • (rarely) Paramedic



    Zvikk was born on July 15th, 2544 on the planet Aurum - Kidan homeworld.
    His family is part of Lower Nobility, and supports Social Fundamentalism movement - takes pride of pre-war traditions.
    Zvikk from the very beggining was meant to become a political bodyguard, to support the hard situation his family was in. Zvikk never minded this, as his personality fits this kind of task perfectly.

    After a (shortened) training, Zvikk started assisting during debates. From observing diplomats he worked with, Zvikk has learned a lot of techniques used during negotiations.
    The debates he took part in greatly helped with lowering sanctions placed on his Clan. Any negotiation that was about to become violent has been calmed down by Zvikk's efforts.

    In early 2565, his family has started to slowly back away from the political scene, in favor of having their interest defended by larger Kidan organizations.
    With nothing else to do, Zvikk decided to assist his family economically, by offering his services to off-world organizations. At the same time, Nanotrasen started looking for employees from Aurum. After talking with the Nanotrasen Representative, Zvikk found employment in Nanotrasen Navy.
    Later this year, Zvikk started his training. He was one of the better cadets of his year.

    In 2566, Zvikk has been promoted to position of Lieutenant, which he holds to this very day.
    Zvikk has been deployed in Epsilon Eridani, protecting high-value targets from terrorists.

    Currently, he is one of the more trusted bodyguards NAS Trurl has to offer.


    • Target Protection
    • Close Quarters Combat
    • Ranged Weaponry Usage and Safety
    • Negotiations
    • Diplomacy
    • Internal Security
    • Advanced First Aid


    Employment Records:

    File is locked behind Employment Record access.


    Zvikk, Noble Guard Of Clan Zaran, Born on July 15th, 2544 on the planet Aurum. Male.

    A kidan of upper class. Born to, and trained for, diplomatic missions and guarding nobility.

    Joined nanotrasen navy in 2565. In 2566, got promoted to a rank of a Lieutenant that he has to this day.

    Subject is well-versed in Target Protection, Combat, Negotiatory Practices, Diplomacy, First Aid as well as Internal Security
    Subject is authorized to perform duties of an Internal Security Advisor, of a Blueshield as well as, by extension, of a paramedic.



    Security Records:

    File is locked behind Security Record access.


    Zvikk, Noble Guard Of Clan Zarlan, Born on July 15th, 2544 on the planet Aurum. Male.

    A Nanotrasen Navy Lieutenant, trusted with protection of endangered targets and support during diplomatic missions.

    Implanted with a Modular Mindshield, which activates during active duty, but turns off in civil life, to extend implant's lifespan.

    Subject is trusted with weaponry, but prefers to keep low profile during off-duty situations.

    The rest of the file is locked behind Trurl-level clearance.


    July 2567 Incident Report:
    During standard protection duty aboard NSS Kerberos, subject Zvikk has been issued special protection target - subject Seth Knapp.
    Subject Zvikk has managed to protect subject Knapp from negative SolGov and USSP influence, safely delivering him to NAS Trurl for questioning, keeping Knapp as an NT asset.
    Subject Zvikk is now expected to assist subject Knapp whenever necessary.


    Medical Records:

    File is locked behind Medical Record access.


    Zvikk, Guard Of Clan Zarlan, Born on July 15th, 2544 on the planet Aurum. Male. Blood type, B+.

    Zvikk's exoskeleton is covered by dark purple patterns, which indicates his social status of lower nobility.

    On March 3rd, 2565, implanted with a Modular Mindshield implant, which can be remotely turned off for day-to-day life to extend implant's lifespan.

    Patient shows no further medical history.

    ===Psychological Evaluation===
    Patient's mental state is stable.

    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    He is a Kidan standing at around 190cm, his posture is straight. On his head, he wears a long curved antennae, as well as a pair of horns. His caraprace looks rather thick and his mandibles strong. Both are decorated by dark purple markings and accents. He has big, purple eyes.


    • Like 1
    • clown 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, MattTheFicus said:

    If people have an issue with Bridge Hobos due to it making antagging around the Bridge hard, ahelp to bomb them.

    Not every god damn thing revolves around antags.

    Bridge hoboing is weird, it's like... why tf are are you cleaning floors in bridge hallway, when your station is equipped with areas to ACTUALLY spend time in. It's odd to me, I don't like it, it takes content away from service department. Personally, I don't really care if mr. antag man has harder or easier time, as it's a SECONDARY issue.



    Okay, back to the topic.

    I would love if you could set the job titles!

    "Assistant" is extremely simple and shallow title. Having titles like "Retired" and "Off-Duty" would be very fun, and would positively contribute to character arcs.

    Having an "Intern" job title would also be very cool!

    However, not sure if Assistant as a title should be department-specific, having an "Engineering Assistant", while cool, would honestly change nothing. People will take it cuz it sounds cool and do nothing with engineering. Leaving it only for HoP to set is probably better.

    "Tourist" would imply you are not hired by NT. If they had no paychecks, it'd be cool. Doesn't make sense otherwise.

    "Civilian" is maybe better, tho it's also even less deep than "Assistant". Woouldn't hurt, but also not a fan.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, BottomQuark said:

    if the assistant change their job title and start working

    Maybe create a new, non-standard job. "Miscellaneous Worker". Nobody can join it at roundstart, but HoP can transfer people there, for regular pay. Title can be, of course, changed.

    This is, kind of, avoiding the main problem, but should still work.

    • Like 1
  5. Does it make sense RP-wise? Maybe.

    Personally, when I play assistant, I consider that a paid break from main jobs, not exactly being unemployed.

    My Blueshield character for example. They do a LOT for NT, even besides being a bodyguard. They get rewarded with (sometimes) having a paid leave (counted in shifts).

    That's how I explain a character suddenly going from being CMO, to a lowly assistant. They were not demoted, no. Just taking a paid break.


    I'd be all for reduced paychecks tho. It would both fit to my headcanon, and make sense RP-wise - they SHOULD get paid less than an actual worker. Dunno, maybe like 60%, 40%, of original paycheck? That'd be 50/75 per 30 minutes. Unless you want to go on some mass buying spree, this doesn't feel like THAT much of an issue.


    2 hours ago, Landerlow said:

    all they do is bridge hobo

    That is, by all means, a seperate issue. Bridge Hobos are basically AFK anyways, what do they need the money for? Let me tell you, you will NOT motivate them, ever.

  6. Recently, I heard a lot of ideas thrown around. Ideas about giving so-called "RP Jobs" (bartender, librarian, chaplain, psych, barber) more content. You know, make them more needed in the round.
    One argument I heard, is that "they are boring, they have nothing to do". I agree with that. So I would like to present my plan to make them more fun!

    1. Turn off VSC and Git, you won't need them here.
    2. Join a round of Para.
    3. Go to, for example, library.
    4. Ask the librarian to lend you a book.

    There, librarian content.

    Let's try another one!
    1. Join a round of Para.
    2. Schedule a meeting with the psychologist.
    3. Go to them, have a long and deep talk about your character's problems.

    And there, one happy psychologist player!


    The REAL problem with "RP Jobs" is that people ignore them. You want them to be more fun? Then stop doing that. Go and interact with them. The two minutes you spend having your hair cut is the BEST thing you can do to make these jobs actually fun.
    They do not need any stupid features (magic healing stick for psych, really?), they need attention in-game.


    Problem of course goes both ways. People playing jobs for bullshit gamer bonuses, like chaplain for le funny sword, or psych for meth. That kind of people certainly do not care about RP with you. This post is also a call to them - there is more in this game than le funny. Go and try talking with people, even if THEY may not want to.

    I get that it is boring to get ignored for two hours straight, but if this post gets any attention, people just might make your round more fun!


    After all, ss13 is an RP game. It makes sense for RP jobs to exist, and for people to interact with them.


    There are more ways to change something than only with code. We just need to try.

    • Like 6
    • fastparrot 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, Nerfection said:

    I'm not sure why traitors would revive victims out of kindness

    So, the scenario I had in mind would be killing someone, taking a photo, and then reviving their target for OOC reasons - they feel bad IRL that they roundended someone. This would 100% happen, eventually.

    Hence why a photo shouldn't be equal to permakill - traitors should still have SOME reason to make sure their targets STAY dead.


    Otherwise, what is stopping you from doing that? I'm sure syndicate would NOT be happy that you are scamming them this way.

  8. Plain access increase has problems, but it can just work as an indicator for general crew, CC, and new players about to join. If it gives no gameplay benefit, it won't be abused.

    Joe Smith the Cargo Technician can say "Oh, code orange is declared, guess we are about to loose power soon!"

    Xx_w0lf_xX the guy in the lobby can say "Oh, code violet is declared, guess I should join as an MD and help get it under control!"


    Also, "violet" isn't really related to medical. How about code white maybe? Or maybe code cyan?


    I like the idea tho! Being able to declare a station-wide emergency as a related head makes sense.

    • Like 1
  9. my first kidan, Zvikk [...] Zarlan.


    Oh hey, them again... is that an e20?!? Seven minutes into the round?!? Ain't no way...


    My robor, Z.I.R.C., up to no good.


    And, last but very much not least:

    Two coolest nians on station, in the middle of their concert!


    • Like 2
  10. Those are the easiest ways to do medical, yup.

    Our medical gets fun if you start to mess with chemistry more.

    Feed your patient some something from the fridge instead of using a mender next time!


    If you want to avoid cloning people, you can try messing around with Lazarus Reagent. It's certainly more challenging, and if you get good at it, it's even better than cloning (in some rather edge cases, but still!)

    I might also mention, cloning is slowly being reworked to require more effort to use.


    As for RP being lacking, I must agree. But it's due to timers being extremely strict in medical. Either a defib timer, timer when a chemical is in someone's body, timing on surgery etc. Unless you type fast, RPing with those around is just hard.

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