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Posts posted by Mijhead

  1. Yes, I know. But the rules are intended to clear up confusion about non-obvious things. I feel that it doesn't clear things up enough, especially things considering NPCs, which I believe needs to be worked on.


    Simply put; The rules aren't clear on what non-obvious things are bannable. This is mentioned as one of the first sentences on the rules page.


    An example being NPCs; I was recently bwoinked about interfering as an NPC during a situation, by an admin I shall not name. Nowhere in the rules does it state that this is not allowed.



    It's largely my fault that people even make vines, so I feel that I should post in this thread.


    I have attempted MANY times to make vines remotely useful, using potency 0 glowing tier 1 vines that don't grow dense as light, using the 0 potency tier 1s to inhibit the growth of tier 2s that inject healing chemicals, but even then, the repeating dull pattern everywhere causes annoyances, and the tier 2 needs to latch onto people on its own, and even then doesn't inject chemicals with enough certainty that it could be used reliably, not to mention there's no access to dylovene, and every injection is bound to contain nutriments, which will turn the person inside them fat. And that's not even mentioning the RNG involved in even getting to that point.


    For vines and, xenobotany in general, to actually have any practical use besides making fucktons of fruit, vines, and other things that nigh nobody will use, or that are just detrimental, it'll need a bit of an overhaul, and more applications of the various plants that are in antag or self defense use only territory.



    As it currently stands, nettles (And deathnettles by extension), only see use in combat.


    What I suggest is that instead of straight up damaging entities hit, a nettle applies the reagents it possesses to it, not all at once, but in doses.


    This would allow for nettles to be applicable in more situations, and opens up a lot of possibilities.


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