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Posts posted by DSTAPP

  1. As a player of Paradise Station, i think it would be a great add on. Especially since the kitchen serving table starts out with donuts on it so should coffe and things you can add to the coffee to start the shifts of to a good and fresh start with you and your coffee and donuts.


    1. Adding Cryo Cells to the sec. area. also given the warden 12 containers of "Clonex"

    Reason: We get people who refuse to stop threatening people or are too dangerous to put in a regular cell but not dangerous enough to be put in the perma brig. This will keep inmates from escaping or "hurting" themselves while being frozen into place until the time is up which will be hooked up to the timer which when its up it will eject them from the cryo cell. also by adding the cryo cells sec can use them for minor damages like bruises or burns when trying to coral or contain civilians.


    2. Adding a Sec containment area into the evac lobby for sec to transfer there criminelles to, also being able to separate them from the civilians.

    Reason: it makes evac safer, it cuts down on rough people at the end of the shift, and it makes a safe place for people who feel like they are being hunted for sec to protect.


    3. On the evac shuttle add two chairs in the medical room, one between the two sleepers and one between the sleeper and the table.

    Reason: doctors are tired of falling down during the launch sequence or docking sequence.


    4. add 3 cuffs to the HOP locker.

    Reason: well so the HOP can detain people who attack the HOP, or detain people who threaten the Captains life.


    5.last but no least: Add more layers to the outside of the evac lobby.

    Reason: a Xeno went up to a single layered wall and one punched it and blame the whole evac area was breached and leaking of air and everyone got sucked out into space and died.



    Just adding another job to the list for people who want something similar to being a waiter except they want something along the lines of traveling throughout the station like a ice cream man handing out (Food or Drinks)


    Kart-a refrigerated unit for the ice cold drinks and ice cream if you want to add that as well.


    Heated Crate-to keep the food warm and not spoiled.


    lots of ideas and changed needed but i though it would be a nice thing to add to the station.



    This is another antagonist game mode.


    It will spawn a player that will be equipped with: 1 flamethrower, 1 box of Molotov cocktails, 1 box of C4, a full set explosive suit, the box that comes with the oxygen mask and 1 oxygen tank will also come with 1 igniter and 1 zepo lighter.


    Different objectives: 1. take out all the Head's and the Captin. 2. kill everyone. 3. kill all of sec. 4. blow up the power supply. 5. release the singularity. 6. blow up escape shuttle.


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