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Posts posted by DSTAPP

  1. Last night to very early morning shift C.S.T (12:01AM-7:00 Am) 1/13/2016., i got back into paradise station to see it's no longer listed and with help i was able to get back in, but unfortunately the pop. count was very low and not very aggressive antagonist which made it very dull and well to be frank..boring, i'll try to get the word out to get the pop. count back up, but in the meantime i suggest more chaos from the A.I. space carp and such.


    I don't think so. It's goes against their genetic evolution. If you read their history (whenever or not that matters) the gestalt form was evolved in order to help flee from the kidan and being able to revert back into it doesn't make sense even as a fallback form.


    If it doesn't go against the topic I'd like to post a suggestion for diona too. Give them a racial ability to make diona nodes so they can create more of themselves. So far we can only depend on Botanist to plant the three they start with and Cargo to order Exotic Seed Crates. Maybe make it a long recharge time before making a node. Maybe even make it so you have to use it next to a hydro tray or soil.


    "to make diona nodes so they can create more of themselves" i'm already overpowering to i need to be invincible to!?!



    You're literally a walking tree as a Diona. Sadly we don't have a small park or something for rest and relaxation for Diona to sit in, if the garden was a bit bigger and not out in the sticks (aka arrivals) it'd be a decent place. Having the bar nearby would be neat.


    like the idea but sadly there is no place to put a part near those locations, but the point is i would like the ability to eat and drink again it was part of my characters persona. and no else truly played as one besides me and i felt like this really effected me the most for just the ability to relax and enjoy myself at the bar when im done doing machanices work and takeing the most unbearable amount of time to get from place to place.


  4. lots of good comments guys but all i want is to bring back the ability to eat and drink, if not there is no purpose for me to go to the bar or kitchen, but not only that how will medbay treat stuff faster if they don't have the liquid version of that medication and only the pill version.


    Oh so ya'll fight for "equal" rights when it comes to Diona, but leave out IPCs


    #TrinaryProblems #YesAllOrganics


    (Yes I'm aware you both main IPCs xD)


    this belongs on another form page for ipc this is for diona race only.



    Yeh, I find it weird to imagine these guys without mouths. Also, I think the Nymphs still have mouths, and if we're gonna let them have that then we need their adult form to as well.




    that another vote for a yes on to changing it back.


  7. But it was not that way before so why change it back, food was not a issue since i do not hunger but it was not only a good pass time but a passive one for me. i would love if this would be changed back.


    That's the gun before it has any slime in the beaker and the beaker off of the gun as well. so you can have more then one beaker at a time but only one slime ball can be shoot from one beaker at a time.





  9. just a crazy idea, everyone is say how security abuses the taser guns and stun batons as a brute force way to enforce space law and causes harm, why not have a nonlethal way to slow down and knock down people with a purple slime gun that shoots slime balls of any slim color to slow down and detain rouge citizens or people that need to be taken in for questioning?

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