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Posts posted by sasanek12

  1. Battle for the Cyberiad between the forces of Nanotrasen and swarms of pure evil Cluwnes has ended after 2 hours heavy fighting and henking.


    Apart from that, Medbay at its finest.



    yeah sure


    Aaaand that's how Dar became a Vulp...


    ...just to commit a suicide-by-cluwne soon after.


    • Like 2

    All of the languages stated in the PR are the ones any race can learn since they're based only on vocal cords and nothing else. It's not about clique busting. It's about variety and maybe even kind of "realism" with species being able to learn other languages.

    Returning to my previous statements, Why have species specific languages whatsoever if any species can speak them? Also, see my reply to Flattest.


    From what I can tell this PR just enables sensible things that should have been a feature for a longer time.

    I'm curious about the meaning of "Sensible" in this context. I've never met a human who could successfully communicate with a cat or dog in their own language - why is it sensible that SS13 humans can do it?


    We're in 26th century when most of the races have been living together for a long time. We should look more like a nation-nation relations than human-dog relations. Every country has their own language they use and yet anyone else can learn it. Just because I am polish It doesn't mean I am limited from learning English, German, Russian and others. Just because other races can learn the species specific language, doesn't mean it's no longer species specific. German is German nation specific and yet it doesn't limit me from learning it.



    This still leaves the question of "Why bother" when it comes to species specific languages. This PR goes through, it basically invalidates that point.


    Also left unanswered is why only these specific languages are targeted, when our lore would allow for speech synthesizer voicebox implants without even blinking an eye.


    Other languages we have are: Kidan language, Vox-Pidgin, Slime language, Dionae language and Drask language. First is based on rubbing antennae, second is made of screeches, third is based on bubbling with your body, fourth is based on rustling with your leaves and fifth is based on vibrating your body. None of these could be possibly spoken without special apparatus



    This proposal is a huge non-starter for me - Why even have species specific languages coded in if people who aren't of that specific species can speak it?

    If this goes through, we shouldn't we let humans speak Trinary, or Vox Pidgin?

    If you say "Lore", it's hypocritical that we can't let people shriek or get round-start synthetic speechbox implants, or figure out how to speak Bubblish by literally bubbling a reservoir of water in a modulated manner.



    This is a selective nerf of specific species that are currently and effectively reskinned humans, and they don't need the additional loss of another unique trait.


    Tl;dr I vote no, because it's a useless nerf.


    I don't really see how is that a nerf. It technically lets you choose languages of other species while also letting other species speak your own langauge. Using species languages for confidential stuff was never safe anyway, since AI, borgs, pais and even people with voice recorder can understand you.



    It's been a damn good time with you on Para. I'll miss you and I'll miss "catganic" every shift when Spark was onboard.

    Bring us some good stories from there!

    o7 Sparky!


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