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Posts posted by mailman

  1. Hi alll,


    I am not giving an official form for this nor do I care enough to do that. Y'all can poke and prod about how I ended up making an account for this and have fun with it.


    I had some Trial Admin (RyzenX or something idk) that was giving me a hard time about netspeak. I only posit you with a philosophical quandry:


    You guys seriously don't want to be elitist according to your rules but you seriously draw the line at netspeak and even go on elucidating why it's seen as lazy and unintelligent.


    Like, actually? Despite this being a scifi scenario and the fact that plenty of people in the STEM fields in the actual real life do this on the regular, netspeak will be the hill to die on?

    Interestingly, netspeak is not as of this time listed at all in the Advanced Rules section. To further this: for the Admins to actually follow this rule of bothering players with how they speak, they are actually breaking the intention of MidRP:


    The original “Medium RP” intent was devised upon creation, as being a middle ground between the “HRP” of Bay12 and the “LRP” of Goon. The roleplay should be taken seriously, but not overly so, nor should you be elitist with your roleplay.

    As added irony, this all happens while the AI uses the loudspeaker to announce: "AI is dead A.F."

    I am actually okay with how the Trial Admin worked out, they are pretty steadfast but when questioned about the AI's activities, I was told that you guys don't talk about other player interactions, which also isn't in your rules.

    Feel free to go on about how I suicided as Librarian and was being overall silly as a shade when looking at the logs. But don't forget that despite me talking about the ridiculousness of this rule, I fully stopped.

    RyzenX or whatever your name was: don't play with controlling friends.


    Peace out.

    • derp 6
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