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Posts posted by SpaceTimeNow


    I have noticed that roboticists just tend to close the shutters at round start and probably construct the next mech that they don't supply with beacons, just to stomp around and annoy people for the rest of the round (at best).


    I don't think they need privacy shutters, their entire job evloved around constructing stuff for others. They do even less of there actual work now, didn't thought that was possible, but here we are.


  2. It's been in the game for quite a while and i still don't know what it should do, how it works, or even if it works. You can drag & drop a table next to you onto your characters sprite and some construction window pops up. For me this window is allways empty and sometimes you can click some invisible stuff on it and it just says construction failed. I was wondering what it does or was supposed to do, or if it should just be disabled.


    I don't know why, but in certain jobs my vox still spawns without a belt item (maybe that just normal for that job?) and i noticed that it's really difficult getting a simple plasic bag. You need plastic from mining to create them. It would be great it you could vend them somewhere, preferably at this cargo terminal where you can buy the flags and the box filled with a box.


    In greytide heavy rounds you can usually pick up a plastic bag that has been thrown away at arrivals but other than that it's quiet a pain to get them.



    I am definitely a fan of this, but yes the HoP needs to have a option to restrict certain jobs or flat out restrict all jobs, or he could be circumvented to much. It should be a tool to help the HoP and not to work against him. Other than that, awesome idea.


    Maybe i would place the machine in sight the HoP office, so the HoP could just tell people to get the form out of the machine. Then the HoP doesn't have to copy forms and fill them out himself. Forms that have been stamped and inserted in the machine will be automaticly faxed to the HoP office so he also has a log of it.


  5. I tried hooking up a SMES for the bridge ingame one round and it felt like that powercables that are crossing each other do connect regardless of them having a knot in the middle or just beeing two cables that cross. This doesn't matter most of the time, but when you try to keep two "power loops" seperate, this would be an issue. I think this "+ connection" near the supermatter SEMS will connect the two loops.


    I would also like to have hands added to brogs, same idea as with the drones, not having to code everything twice. I could come up with incredible long lists of things that borgs should have or be able to do and all of that is normal/legit gameplay related.


    I do agree that this would make borgs quite a bit stronger if they are malf, no doubt about that. But since they are currently really weak and also can be blown with a single click at the RD console, i don't see this beeing a big issue. Also malf AI rounds are currently way to much focused on fighting the AI and borgs are just dealt with on the side.


    Borgs haven't really gotten a lot of love lately and as a result they are somewhat rarely choosen by now.



    Our current drones are abused quite a lot, it's gotten to the point where you have to distrust every maintenance drone that spawns, especially if you are playing AI. People use it to abuse any way they can: electrify airlocks, set bots to go rouge, bust lights, release plasma, you name it, they do it.


    I can totally understand the urge to nerf them suckers until they can't do shit, but it cuts game mechanics that could be great, if used responsible. Drones can't be nerfed to a point where they can't grief anymore, because that would mean to take all their tools away and also the ability interact with station equipment, at which point they would be useless.


    Drones having hands would be a awesome mechanic, because you could put items back on tables or put certain trash into disposals or just carry around a beaker of space cleaner and refill your spray bottle on the fly. In addition new items would automaticly work with drones and it would not have to be coded seperatly. Like vending machines refill sets, or using a wet floor holo sign tool and so on.


    So instead of removing mechanics that can be abused, it would be better to just deal with it like you would with a regular human character (per Admin and job bans and server bans). We should also add a new rule that specificly states that you are not allowed to fuck around with drones. Even if that appears to be redundant but it reinforces the admins stance on this sort of abuse.



    Well, but since the code is closed source you obviously can't just copy it, you code something that has similar effect. So it's still your work.


    Some of this stuff is very specific like the zombie AI chems and i think it's not unreasonable to respect that they came up with it first, but there are also very basic things that every server should have:


    - Stops on-mix reactions. Perhaps make it decay in blood/water or something? Some way of getting rid of it.

    - Purges any chemicals in the body. Possible bad side effects?

    - Counters pressure damage. My own idea. Lets complete that spacewalk cocktail!

    - Miracle Matter! Resurrects the dead. Perhaps give it the same requirements as defibrillator? Or, perhaps, make it resurrect with minor health buff?White Phial

    - Becomes the largest quantity chemical it is put in.


    Obviously i wouldn't just use the name and the recipes but you really don't need to be a rocket scientist to come up with that effects.



    I could keep argueing but i don't see it leading anywhere. There are a bunch of people that agree with me, you just need to take a look at the threat mel made, or even this one, but ultimativly it's your call.


    You obviously won't change your mind on this and frankly i don't care enough to keep going. I have made my point and i guess i will have to accept it as is.



    People abandon their jobs way to regularly, i can understand that when they did their job and are sitting on a bunch of food, meds in the chemistry or a bunch of prepared bots and borgs in robotics. But when i join 30 minutes in a round as CMO and have like 8 medical staff on the manifest and then see the medical fridge is empty, genetics has broken lights and tables and surgery is littered with blood, anestethic tanks and surgery tools on the floor, i just want to hunt them all down and shove them down disposals.


    That you even have to argue with chemist, that there should be meds in the medical fridge 30 minutes into the round, really boggles my mind.



    How about allowing the shield projectors (or however they are called) to just store enough energy to last through the entire blackout? Then there would be no need for special SEMS or APCs.


    For the off chance that someone actually wants to release the singularity i don't think the shield projectors lasting longer would be a big issue.



    With the instant push and disarm mechanic taking out the tele baton is more of a risk towards the Head then it is helping. At best you can stunlock the guy, at worest he disarms you first hit and uses it to murder you. Even if best case happens, i still don't know what a stunlock that you have to reapply all the time is good for. Why not make the flash have a longer cooldown so it can only stun one person and make but giving you at least some time to react.


    The result is the same a stunlock of a single person, but with the previous flash stun duration we had the ability to do actually do something useful with that stunlock. Like getting help or dragging him out.


    The flash stuns them for 1 second and makes them drop what they're holding in their hands; the telebaton stuns them for 3 seconds--cablecuffing takes 3 seconds

    Counting in the time you loose for registering that your baton did actually hit + the time you need to change hand + the time to land a click on the sprite will allow anyone to just spam resist and get another chance on the disarm proc.


    And again, if you want something that you feel is more "robust"; grab a disabler crate--they're a cheap, incredibly effective way of dealing with people at a safe distance---and all heads of staff have the security clearance to purchase them.

    Probably a bigger bitch than it is worth. Cargo techs will make you get signatures for sure, then you have to explain the HoS what a disabler is, then you have to convince him that you should get one, to which he will say no.


    Furthermore, the two Head of Staff who don't have access to quick melee knockout (CE and RD, namely, if you factor in CMO's hypospray and syringe gun), do have super super easy access to all the tools and equipment necessary to make a stun-prod, which carries a 5 ssecond stun on it.

    Stunprods are for people that do not have the rights to propper weapons (it's contraband), implying that i am upto something bad when i construct them.


    there's been a crap-ton of powercreep on Paradise in the past 6 months, from various features and requests; nerfs/changes/reworks like this help bring it back to a more sane level.

    I don't want to roll out the whole argument about the new instant but short stun mechanics, but in my opinion this had not made the game any better. I am just talking about the visual and rp effect of that change right now (i explained my views on it from a game mechanic standpoint in mels threat) I see some security unable to arrest civilians because of the short stun durations, they keep reapplying stuns until the eventually manage it. It forces really stupid looking situations, like hitting someone with telebaton every two seconds for like 4 minutes until security arrives. People runnig out of the cell the whole time because you not even have enough time to get out of the cell and close the windoor.




    How is making the stuns incredible short any better? I still can stunlock indefinite and potentually switch between lethal hit and stun hit to kill (or use a second weapon to damage), but i can't do anything really useful with it except for murderboning. And if i am able to murderbone, i could as well be able to propperly restrain someone. Also you never could stunlock a giant pile of people with the flashes before, because the blub would just blow if you use it to quick without giving it time to cool down. You could actually easily blow it when beeing to hasty stunlocking a single person.



    These tools are meant to be used as a defensive means and have short stuns to prevent abusive situations where one staff member is capable of keeping a whole slew of people pinned to the ground, especially when its not their job's designation.

    But doesn't that shift the abuse to the Head of Staff that has no other option just to stunlock the offender with that two second stun? The tele baton never was meant to be a acutal "weapon", like Fj45 said, it's just a condom stick. It doesn't even make sense that you can hit someone 20 times and he doesn't get any damage, it's just a RP tool to be a dick.


    Furthemore, Head of Staff are compensated in other ways that aid them both offensively and defensively; CE has his armor and no-slowdown no-slip mags; RD has his reactive telearmor

    This defences are meaningless in situtation where someone is beeing a dick in your deparment.


    CMO has their hypospray and syringe gun.

    I was very happy that we were over the point where CMOs had to make chloral every round start.



    What i am getting at is that the flash is basicly useless to throw someone out of your department and i don't even know what to do with a two second stun. You can't talk in two seconds, you can't straight jacket him, you can't grab him, you probably can't even apply cablecuffs



    It's really getting a pain dealing with people fucking around in your department. The telebaton and flash the heads of staff get are a joke. What are you even supposed to do with that? Stand there and just stunlock someone until security arrives 5 minutes later? You can't even type a propper message over coms in the short telebaton stun..


    All this short stun weapons work somehow for security because they have cuffs to follow it up, but you can't do anything usefull with the one or two second stun a telebaton does. It's not even enough time to get a propper grab on someone. With the stun the flash did before you actually had some time to drag someone out of your deparment and close the airlock or put on some straight jacket. Now you just stand there clicking the baton every two seconds like a idiot and try to use that incredible short stun to try to type a message to get help.


    Not to mention that when you fail to re-apply the stun in time the person is just going to disarm you and kill you with your own baton.



    On a server that is harcore rp you could probably argue that calling security for every small issue would be possible. But since it's way to common to see people with stolen IDs or breaking shit around here, the heads should probably be more useful in that regard. Especially considering that security is understaffed like 80% of the time.



    I am not a fan of the default cooling of waste air below 20C, if you think that through you would eventually end up with to cold Nitrogen or Oxygen tanks. Of course this will never happen because of the retarded huge amount of oxygen and nitrogen in the tanks, but if i care enough to not just vent into space then i should not just default supercool all waste air.


    I personally think the best way to go about is it storing the waste air somewhere in a buffer and have another supply of supercooled nitrogen or CO2 ready to inject it into the waste air to cool it. So you can periodicly come into atmos and check your waste air buffer, if it's 20C you direct it into the filters or if the temerature is off you cool or heat it before pushing it thorugh the filters. None of the solutions are perfect right now, but when the Pull Request for the programmable atmos pipes will get merged, then you can do a whole lot of cool stuff.



    I personally hate them both, especially when I am trying to do or test something and (lolflash).

    I can totally relate to that.


    You gear up and prepare your workplace, creating a plan what you want to do this shift and it's all crushed in an blink of an eye. As a replacement you just unwillingly entered some deathmatch. I play rarely antag and usually need to be in the mood for it, that's why my default antag gamesettings only inculde the few ones i really enjoy playing. Beeing forced into Antag is a bummer, beeing forced into antag without any RP or Teamwork (or however you want to call it) usually ends me up in the cryo sleeper.


    How about making this revolution convert message somewhat less strict, so it allows for more leeway. Maybe i am forced to believe the Revolution is right and am not allowed to act against it, but not just "YOU HAVE TO KILL ALL HEADS NOW!". So i could just go about my work and maybe help a rev out here and there, but not have to go on a killing spree if i don't want to.


    The same way others do not like to be forced into RP, i don't like to be forced into deathmatch.



    Short and sweet:


    It would be great if we could have some new additional sprites for unique AI Holograms and cyborgs that are not admin locked. I am not big into spriting but some people seems to have magical powers to conjure up some really nice sprites in no time :)


    It would be great if we could have some of that magic for our Synthetics.



    I think laserpointers are kind of OP and super annoying:


    - They have a very low cooldown (none?)

    - They work even if they are pointed at you from the back

    - The only protection is having sunglasses


    My point is that someone can really hurt your eyes with this things, to the point where you go blind and if you don't have sunglasses you can't protect yourself other than breaking line of sight. I think they should have some cooldown time or a battery that runs out, so you can't just keep spamming them like crazy.



    I think that would be great but also a bunch of work.


    In case this might not happen or be pushed back for some time, i would still love to have the option to simply use the PDA as a camera that could print photos. I think that could greatly benefit when you try to report a crime to security or frame someone. Like holding the pda in your hand and click a tile and snap a photo of the bartender pointing his weapon at someone ..



    I don't know, in almost every round that i am involved into rev, someone just came up to me when i interact with some vending machine pulls out a flash, flashes me and walks by. Not a single word was exchanged that day.


    For me it's just a TDM mode, nothing more. And just to clarify, i am not argueing that rp rev would work better on paradise, maybe the Subject text was poorly choosen. I am just asking how everyone else feels about that gamemode, for me it's more of an annoyance.


    In cult rounds i think the RP part works a lot better, maybe rev could be tuned to require a little more RP or work to convert someone. Maybe give the flash some charge up time so someone needs to hold you down, while someone else converts you or something along those lines. This minor change would require people to group up and work together or maybe talk to the person first so he don't resists.


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