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Posts posted by Citinited

  1. Oh boy, where to start?

    - You can make shotguns with any type of pipe, not just straight pipe (try firing a round through a connector!)

    - Use a pen on a food dish to rename it

    - You can use a wielded fireaxe to one-shot windows and grilles

    - You can keep windows like crew monitoring console open in a second screen, to keep an eye on them

    - To add on to the pure love thing, you can fluff dead mobs and they will still synthesize pure love

    - Screwdriver vents to place paper in them

    • Like 1
  2. 59a596e12d24d_SpaceStation132017-08-28173839.png.6357a6130374f12f5f261df47d92bbbd.png

    This is the inevitable result of joining the round as a pink vulpkanin and managing to royally piss off your department.

    (Security thought I was a changeling and proceeded to execute me. Here you can see the brig physician attempting to chop off my head with a chainsaw after performing multiple botched executions)

  3. 1a. What is your opinion on the Github's current lack of contributors and the Github having such a low rate of new PR submissions?

    1b. How do you plan to address the recent large amount of time between PRs being submitted and them getting merged / rejected?

    1c.What "large" things (such as Lavaland) would you want to add to the codebase, and how would you go about adding those things?

    2. What do you see as Paradise's key strengths? What do you see as its weak points, and how do you plan to address those weak points?

    3. Where do you see the server in a few years' time?

    • Like 3
    • fastparrot 1
  4. On 10/07/2017 at 11:32 PM, Dinarzad said:

    Again, you;re spinning things to make it sound like I and others are trying to Get EMP vulnerability removed entirely, so that you can people on your side, and in so doing misrepresent the facts and mislead people, and frankly this is an old schtick from a lot of people and it's getting real old. The salt mine needs to fucking stop so we can at least have a fuckin discussion about it, without people instinctively going bucking up or dishing out ultimatums.

    Actually, no, I'm not trying to "spin" anything, I was trying to list the things you missed from your post. Obviously didn't read it thoroughly as I listed duplicate things. Sorry.

  5. 16 hours ago, Dinarzad said:

    IPCs do not breath and are immune to radiation, can have body parts easily replaced and do not need welders. These are their objective upsides.

    Everything else is a double-edged sword or a nerf. a Side-grade (As intended)
    Chem immunity, means immunity to a lot of meme chem deaths, sure. And also means they have NO form of rapid healing, they cannot be SR'd or Cryox'd or use meth for speed bosts or what have you. They have easier access to "Bandages" with welders and cables but those are slow healing, have to be manually applied to every single body part and in large enough numbers CAN'T heal them, requiring "Surgery" to repair the internal damage.
    They are immune to Virus's which also means they can't make use of healing viruses that are made all the time, no brain damage immunity, no constant regeneration with Toxic comp and toxin healing.
    They ALSO take hugely increased damage.

    You also forgot:

    • Do not sense pain so will operate perfectly fine and under no slowdown until they are put into crit
    • Are incredibly easy to revive, just weld and go
    • Do not need to eat except if every APC they can find is out of charge, in which case they merely operate under a slowdown
    • Can lose their head and not die from it
    • Immune to a bunch of organ stuff like internal bleeding
    • Immune to toxin, clone, and oxygen damage
    • Have their own language that no other race can understand
    • EDIT: also welding immunity

    That's a bunch of upsides that need to be balanced *somehow*.

  6. That cucumber sprite might be a little big (think of all the other fruit / veg slices which aren't that large), but it looks like a nice enough sprite and recognisable.

    I'd probably suggest giving a list of recipes you want adding, how you'd grow it, what sort of traits it would have etc. to help out whoever decides to give you a hand with this.


    Yeah, having to make it from scratch is interesting for advanced players but it just increases the learning curve to an already daunting job. Having a very simple initial setup "for dummies" and an area like the current atmos where advanced players can set up their master pieces without having to tear down anything is a much better compromise. It would also fulfill the whole "make Atmos larger" desire.


    Fair enough.



    However, I think the system needs to be functional and autonomous, but suboptimal, at round start. You should benefit from atmo techs, but not do-or-die when they aren't there.


    Consider the engine. The station needs the engine to survive. Why shouldn't atmos be the same? (Also, there's more than enough air to breathe in every room until places start being breached, so it's not like you are immediately going to keel over and die if they're absent.) The AI / the CE can also let people in to set the place up.


    Also, atmos is already quite optimal at roundstart... (by optimal I mean that it puts out lots of air and can scrub anything that happens to befall the station, as scrubbers don't really have a maximum pressure they can scrub to...)



    What if we just removed everything inside atmos?




    My reasoning is that this way, someone actually has to put in the legwork to make distribution begin to fill with air, similar to how engineers have to set up the engine at roundstart. Most atmos techs also just rework the entire area anyway, so removing everything inside atmospherics would remove the need to have to remove pipes before you can install your own setup. There should still probably be freezers inside atmos, but they could be put anywhere (or the required parts could be stuck inside a crate or something).


    A bigger atmospherics area would be great, too.


    Other ideas:


    • Make atmospherics pipes burst under pressures greater than about 4500kPa or so (except for special high-pressure pipes you can dispense). I think other servers might have this?

    • Port the rapid pipe dispenser from /tg/. I know I've already suggested this in the past but it needs someone to actually put in the legwork...

    Readd the windows between atmospherics and engineering so the place feels sort of connected to engineering.

    Remove most of the air in the oxygen and nitrogen tanks; instead of having them start at 90,000kPa, have them start at 2500kPa or so.


    1) Give atmos tech access to the engineering outpost (pretty sure they don't have access right now). If I'm not mistaken there is one, possibly two more pipe dispensers there. Engineering proper could care less about these, unless they want to build themselves some infinite disposal loops.


    Atmos techs already have this. Both pipe dispensers are there.


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