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Posts posted by CureZen


    If it was just a small chance to inject, that removes every non-traitor use that this might have.

    You keep taking everything to the extreme. It'll either "Be abused by everyone cause it'll always happen" or "it'll never be used because it can't happen"


    I'm not saying it's a reliable method, reliability comes with high risk. Like syndicate weapons. You trade quality for possible anonymity. You can't make decisions like this on whether it will or won't happen. It's just something that CAN happen, with intent or by accident. Which is something this server desperately lacks these days.


    Queue the genecist making a metric ton of disability/monkey SEs and running up and down the hall pelting them at people. It'll be like changesting all over again.


    I'd like to add that Geneticist SE's are a completely different item from syringes. The SE isn't a fluid, you can't extract and slip it into someone's drink for example. It's an item of it's own.



    Queue the genecist making a metric ton of disability/monkey SEs and running up and down the hall pelting them at people. It'll be like changesting all over again.


    I mean theres only a small choice that it'd work. And as with all throw objects, if you have throw active you can catch it.


  3. Well admittedly the idea first came to me when working in med bay and realizing that to pass syringes to people I was just throwing them at them and I realized in all regard in real life that's a retarded idea. As for public availability, that's kinda the idea. I'm getting real tired of weapons that have a clear point of origin and access. I'd like a round for once where there's at least some QUESTION of what kinda antag you might be facing.


    Currently the only items in the game that can inject people from a distance are syringe guns, which from a realistic stand point is just throwing syringes. Why not let us do that by just... y'know throwing syringes to inject people? Now obviously no one throws as well as an automated machine so for balance sake only make it like a 1/7 chance (listed of the top of my head, not to be taken as the exact example), and regardless of success or not the syringe needle will break on impact. And of course the normal events that might stop you from getting injected, such as an exosuit.


    I think it'd be fun, and it's not like chems are any easier to get. Y/N?



    I can't say I've ever experienced the furry thing, but I have seen cliques form and choose not to interact with anyone else. Not that it's that unexpected, paradise is an incredibly social player base, with both an active forum and discord channel thing. Combine that with the unlisted nature of the server resulting in the majority of new players being recommended it by friends it's likely they'd just stick with their group. The characters I play are either pretty antisocial in nature, or work in science which rarely has cliques what with being the "exploring the game" department, so I can't say suffer too much from this.


    By far I think, paradise's biggest challenge is it's complete and utter fear of the grey tide. Granted it comes with good reason, you see evidence of bullshittery the second this server becomes open listed. But the trade off is that Paradise has some of the blandest code across the servers. Every thing is coded to ensure the least amount of chaos possible. The Singuloth has been outmoded by the much safer and easier tesla, science has to unlock any of it's toys with permission from the HoS or the Captain, many makeshift weapons were removed/never ported and the ones that are here are something akin to a joke weapon. and I've seen a multitude of fun suggestions on these forums get shut down purely for their potential to used by someone other than security or an antagonist.


    This generally makes rounds longer yes, but it also significantly tames the game, which is just counter to what I play ss13 for. Idealism aside it ramps difficulty tremendously as an antagonist as you only really have so many options outside of highrisk actions. And when your low on options meta gaming jumps spectacularly. Even traitors, which are allowed the most variation due to the exclusivity of their items, only ever have one shot. If you get captured you CANNOT explain your way out of it, because possession of ANY traitor item is punishable by death or perma brig. However with little other option BUT to use traitor items, you're forced to take that risk.



    Borers IRL.







    Tzo pressing resist gets you back in control of your body faster than escaping zipties


    But I guess this just means I should play an evil borer from now on. make a hoard of back up borers, and purposely try to ween off the crew, and try to take over command.

    That's the idea.


  7. Can't help ya bro. I still have a deeply embedded salt veins from pre-nerf vox when they could leap stun you and had bonus armor. I don't think I met a single person who took that species without the intent of being a miserable fuck hat.


    Right. It heals 1.5 volume to both damages, but will always treat both damages rather than healing more brute if burn is done. While it still takes more resources to make, (an absurd draw on resources if your determined to keep the monkey alive after draining it). Silver or syptic heals 1-1 but is significantly cheaper on resources. if you have someone with 60/60 brute/burn then it's more resource efficient to use. However if someone had 60/15, then it wastes resources, and the only thing you're truly saving is time. Thus, it is a luxury healing medication.


    Theoretically none of that will really matter unless the generator goes out, but you get the gist.



    Literally none of this is right or makes any sense.


    The redundant chems either aren't made, or are a sheer sign of incompetence on the part of the chemist.


    By the time security knows what is going on basic chems should already be made.


    Sorry perhaps I was misunderstood, I meant in the sense that having some chems that seem redundant in the code is so that you do not have to go some shifts suffering from a lack of some type of staff. Or if one kind of enemy is more likely to result in certain injuries over others. I was not saying both should be made at the same time.


    [*]Mannitol exists if there are not enough surgeons to handle an influx of organ damage. Otherwise oculine's components (while no less complex) are an easily acquired stock that goes a long way, and treats the most common "organ" injuries.

    [*]Atropine is better suited for station hazards such as loose fires or breeched hulls where damage comes fast but of a specific type, while epinephrine is a more general emergency drug that handles many damage types but a bit more slowly.

    [*]Synthflesh can handle both brute and burn but takes more time to pump out than syptic and silver, and will divide healing across both, regardless of actual damage values, making it inefficient to apply when only one damage type is present. Making it a luxary healing medication, rather than one to be mass produced in emergencies.


    Praxis' guide is a good baseplate for autopilot before you've learned anything about the antag of a round. But a med chemist should be prepared to swap out to providing other chems if the situation calls for it.

  10. I feel like most redundant chems exist to handle the huge variety you see in staffing some rounds, as well as the change in patient quantities. I don't think it's so much which is "better" just which is more likely to be used in what situation. Praxis's default chem list is good for day to day needs, and then you should swap out meds accordingly depending on what your going to face. As always, medical should be doing it's best to communicate with sec, so you know what to prepare for.


    Borers are a parasitic animal that can provide benefits at the expense of extreme discomfort, the intense aberration of vomiting an entire living and sentient slug, and possibly being enslaved, body and soul, to the whims of an alien creature. It can lead to symbiosis, if your lucky and know enough about what they can provide. But the majority of the crew are not supposed to know, and in an environment where aliens are more often hostile then not: its common sense to respond with immediate fear. Besides, a creepy ass slug plops out of a vent and starts crawling in your ear. I mean hell not even Arthur Dent reacted calmly to a babel fish.


    If your lucky in roleplay, you can manage it. But in truth, the default response when seeing something that wants to enslave you for the sole purpose of reproduction SHOULD be to want to immediately destroy/escape it. To be okay with it either suggests fanatical or romantic delusions, or you are in such an extreme situation that a small portable chem dispenser is more valuable than remaining unviolated by a parasitic animal. To act otherwise: While it'll probably increase your chances of surviving a round, would be complete meta playing. It'd fly in the face of any realistic reaction.



    At present I prefer the Tesla. Not because of power or station preservation but because it escaping does not mean the server has an cerebral hemorrhage and rolls around in it's own filth after evacuating it's bowels. The Tesla destroys electronics and husks people but leaves the majority of tilespace as is and so there's no huge lag. Where as the singuloth's escape works as a barreling constant explosion and implosion requiring a massive amount of tile updates near every cycle, causing Immense lag and often death by simple immobility.


    Aside from that I hate the tesla. It's boring, safe, and makes more than enough power to allow you to recoup from any accidental shutdown or escape. There's no reason NOT to use it. This is in complete contrast to the spirit of SS13. If I wanted a roleplaying game where I'm safe and NOT in constant fear of a giant purple supermass bashing against it's restraints desperately trying to consume me, I'd go fuck off to club penguin. SS13 is a game where everything is unsafe, everything is dangerous, and if you remain unmurdered by your cohorts long enough to notice, you should realize that NO ONE and especially not nanotransen expects this station to run longer than an hour, let alone 20 minutes. I mean for fuck's sake, the solars have been an option since the game's electricity mechanic's conception, with more than enough power to run the station. But people chose the singularity because it was easier not because it was SAFER.


    So I don't know what all this balance talk is. Coders like it because it's easy on the servers, and players like it because it's easy to set up so you can fuck off somewhere. Lord knows no one picks engineer to ever actually do their job. You want the singularity in use again? Make the tesla an arse and a half to start. Don't bother making it more dangerous than the singuloth, cause then no one will ever use it. It's why we stopped using the super matter.



    Jaxon Harrold:


    (Mr. Grieves - The Pixies) Shrink and mediator, quick to frustration, and one who would laugh at death not out of bravado, but out of being to tired to respond otherwise.

    Hadar Alexandria:


    (Julia Child Remixed) He's a chef. I usually go a bit dark when he has to go off the rails but this is his core character.

    Flip flops:


    (Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time - Rhett & Link) It's the kinda shit he'd probably experience.



    (Never set the cat on fire - Frank Hayes) SS13 isn't completely insane. Not in a regular sense. You haven't lost it, just everyone's logic is... off. It's like walking down the stairs to the bathroom at night and stubbing your toe on the way back because, though it can't see any change, you are CERTAIN the stairs feel just a few inches too far to the left. I feel this song encompasses that mindset well.

    Jaxon reads while drinking heavily. The library knows him more by the smell of his particular brand whiskey and less so his name.


    Flips plays video games and sleeps in. Riveting young lad that he is.


    Alexandria enjoys listening to music while enjoying his wine collection or simply watching Television. Though occasionally he holds a dinner party for his neighbors.


    I've never had a round where peeves was still alive or not needing heavy maintenance.



    The True AM would never engage Delta themselves. They would kill all but the Heads and then make them play a game to end their suffering.


    Ohhhh HoS... You know you've always been my FAVOURITE torture toy. Well I'm gonna give you the chance to stoop to new lows, to let you fullfill your more... bestial desires. I'm gonna let you find some grey shirts to beat! Yeah! I'll even put power back to your room to let you charge your harmbaton and savor... *giggling* the horrors of your "responsibility"


    *Teleports him to a room with the captain in an assistant uniform and the nuke disk.*


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