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The Brigged Human's 4,600 word Manifesto


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It was an overwhelming shift. I'd already got dried blood on my warden's uniform and it was barely an hour in. A lot of the prisoners were being especially difficult, and one broke out and assaulted officers sufficient times that I dragged his stunbatoned, twitching body to Solitary Confinement. I left him with nothing but pen and paper and told him to write to pass the time - whatever he'd written at the end of the shift I'd read.


Rather later, I return and open his cell door. Every wall and floor, table and chair is covered in a mixture of blood and vomit. He was barely alive, but on the paper he'd written a four and a half thousand word essay which, with his dying breaths, he implored me to publish, so here it is.


You can find the complete work here: http://txti.es/paradisemanifesto


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The best part is when he completely loses it at the end. 10/10 would read again.


What ever the man did the child would not wake up from the bullet that entered his head and he woke up again to find himself in heaven and then he felt fire and it was hot very hot very hot very hot very hot very hot but then he said "so" and he was alive again, alive, alive, alive, alive and then he flew like a bird and he looked in the mirror and saw his wings and his beak and his legs he was a bird like wow like what like wow like what thats so cool but then a dragon came and saved the bird and turned him into a princess and he had to live with the dragons and it was so boring and like who wrote this, who has the time to do this, because I obviously don't, and many other people don't, such as the president, CEOs of companies, terrorists, workers, kids, parents, adults, and many other people, but who gives a fuck about what we're doing, because this is all bullshit.




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