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Suggestion - Hostile Walking Mushroom event (Playable)


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Suggestion - Walking Mushroom - Event



The exotic seed crate contains a mycelium called- Plump Helmet Mushrooms. These mycelium seeds when placed into a hydroponics tray/pod will grow, Plump Helmet Mushrooms.

They look like.







Though if you are able to mutate the Plump Helmet Mushrooms, and are successful when doing such, they will create - Walking Mushrooms. Which loo like.








Now for what I am planning for this type of things, I will assure that yes it needs to be coded, though I do not think it needs much new code as it already exists in some other plantations.


What I suggest is, well the description of what the walking mushroom’s have. “Apocalyptic! And delicious!” Though mainly the first part of that, let me explain further.


-The Walking Mushrooms are a non-playable race.

-They are NPC’s.

-They attack each other.

-Revived by fungus being fed to them.


Though what I am suggesting here to do is;


-The Walking Mushrooms can become a playable race if (I will go into further details later)

-They are NPC’s at the start (Explain further later)

-They do/don’t attack each other (explain further later)

-Revived by fungus fed to them.


With that stated I added to be explained further, well here it is the explanation.

The Walking Mushrooms, are a NPC race to start and cannot be played. Though if they are injected with human blood. They will turn and become a special candidate race, to which players will start to be able to play them. What is the reason of it?.


When the Walking Mushroom fungus NPC gets injected with human blood, the living fungus in itself will have the taste for human. Though, what does this mean? One fungus against the station? No. This is how it would function.


The Walking Mushroom, will act as something similar to current monsters, examples are. Xeno’s, Vampires and blob. I will explain.


With the Xeno’s. On how the fungus can act, it has a hive-mind. Though the Walking Mushrooms can speak to all each other through a central link of mycelium. With this they can crawl through vents if the vent enter and exit point have mycelium covered.


With the Vampires, they will not have any abilities they hold, though I said they are similar, how? With how the Walking Fungus was injected with blood, it has the taste for human blood. Though to get this, they need to get through the flesh. So biting. They already have the chomp ability.


Within the blob, now many as known, the blob is dangerous later in the game if not killed early. Though the Walking Mushrooms will not serve as that point. The reason they are similar is since of the Mycelium spread, I guess this could relate the the Xeno plants/weeds they can do also. Though with the ability they have of spreading mycelium, they will be able to crawl through vents if the entry and exit point are covered in mycelium. And they will regain health / energy. The walking mushrooms would also have something similar to the blob factory, but will puff out NPC/Player Walking Mushrooms to aid and build up the army.




Though with all this stated, it has to have limitations correct? Well indeed.


The Walking Mushroom health is very low, one of the lowest in the games. It can be crushed by a mech while it also is small. Now, how much hitpoints does it exactly have? Well, if you have your fist, Six punches will get one of these buggers down, Two with a crow-bar and anything else. Why make them have such low hit-points? Strength in numbers.


With the Walking Mushrooms being small, they are not able to harm or even damage mech or borg units.


They cannot go directly for the head, they attack the legs first unless the person has collapsed.


The Walking Mushrooms can though, take someone down in armor, no matter how strong. Though how? If enough of the walking mushrooms surround the target, than well the chomps will pierce the armor and get to the flesh to than blood.


Though with that stated, lets get to the strengths.


The Walking Mushrooms, have strength in numbers. The Chomp attack they have can cripple a un-armored person within eight bites, so they will collapse. When collapsed the walking mushrooms can finally attack anywhere on the body, most likely the head. The teeth they have can pierce the strongest of armor if they get enough bites through.


How many chomps does it take to kill an unarmored man who has collapsed? well with one of the walking mushrooms by themselves, 15 bites.


How many chomps would it take to cripple an armored man? The walking fungus can bite through the strongest of armor, so they will get through almost anything easily. Correct? Well yes, to cripple an armored man, will take 20 bites. To than if he wears a good helmet on, 18 bites after to finally kill the man/women. Though didn’t I say strength in numbers?




Ha-ah, now we are onto the walking mushrooms abilities.

Well it is simple really.


-Mycelium Plantation : Mycelium will spread out of the initial planted area, six blocks out. They will produce energy when you are on-top of them. No energy, 10 second cooldown. Mycelium spreads a block every 5 seconds.


-Mycelium Bed : The Mycelium bed, needs to be placed on-top of the mycelium plantation, to soften the area for seeds to grow, they cannot be placed on top of the normal mycelium. 10 second cooldown, 50 energy.


-Mushroom factory : Every 20 seconds, a seed pops out of the mushroom factory, this seed is a walking mushroom, that already has the human blood injection, this seed needs to be planted on the mycelium bed for it to grow. The seed will take two minutes after to fully develop. The mushroom factory takes 300 energy to create and needs to be placed on top of mycelium.


-Mycelium lock : Mycelium lock, is when you can jam a door shut, to which they need wire cutters, blow torch or Botanist gloves to get undone. They will shut the door and not allow entry unless by a Walking Mushroom. 10 second cooldown, 100 energy. Can be placed without mycelium. Spreads Mycelium one block out, behind and infront of the door/around.


-Mycelium Trap : Mycelium trap, is when the mycelium itself can come alive, it looks like spikes out of the ground. The trap will damage non-walking mushrooms when they cross/stand within them and weaken armor. 50 energy, Cooldown 20 seconds. Can only be placed on mycelium.


-Regenerate, the walking mushrooms can regenerate health at a rapid rate as a passive ability with no mana cost as long as they stand on mycelium.


-Fungus feed, the fungus can revive the fallen that they have witnessed by removing a piece of themselves and feeding it to the fallen friend of a walking mushroom. It will give them limited health both the revie’er and the revived, though they can regenerate on

mycelium. 5 second cooldown, 10 energy


-Spore flood, well this is pretty simple. If you are able to short circuit your mycelium onto the vents or even the scrubbers. You can puff spores into them so it will fill the air with your loving spores which can cause suffocation if stayed in area for so long. Can only be placed over scrubbers or vents with mycelium over. Energy, 300, no cooldown. Lasts for 1 minute, highly flammable.


-Mycelium circuit : You have the ability to perform short circuiting!, You can do this on doors, oxygen levels, haywire the mech and borgs, Or even controls on the station!. What this can do is, the doors can close on you, low oxygen to none. Spore flood the vents, or even with the controls make them not-work or have the chance to explode. This can also work on the AI if you use it carefully enough, though short circuiting the AI you could make it puff your spore flood ability out. Energy 300, this effect lasts until a wire cutter, blow-torch, botanist gloves removes them or after five minutes.


-Vent Crawl. The Walking Mushrooms can crawl through vents if the vent is not wielded and if they have mycelium currently covering both entry and exit. No energy, no cooldown.




That is all the abilities they have. Though.


Energy is given every 2 seconds if they can. They gather 10 energy if standing on a mycelium plantation, 5 if they stand on the mycelium. Cap - 300 energy.





A new type of event monster that can be created / random spawned.

This will be a very original event type of a monster growing around you, though also a very hard one to play at that. The reason why I wish for it to be created is that it could provide a more difficult and playable race that can be created without the event needed to be placed in / Xeno-biology golden slime created.




Difficulty - Very hard.




How to survive?


Stay with your pack of walking mushroom friends and help your fallen. Whilst staying on your mycelium and spread it around for a health regenerative buff.


How do you win?


Killing all humanity on the station, or short circuiting things to ‘blow’ or ‘fail’. Though it would be the most difficult thing you ever do if you win. Humanity can easily survive!.


How do you loose?


Humanity kills you or your factories. Mech’s kill you. The slime or Vox race will not be targeted often.

Fire, lots of fire, they do not have tolerance to fire as it can burn them, and ruin the whole fungus network.




The gamemode, will be a very slow start at pick-up. But near the end run, they can be killed though they can also be victorious if played correctly.

The NPC fungus within this can be taken over by a dead player at any given time, or even joining player to the game.

NPC fungus will follow a player fungus, and try to defend the mycelium.




Thank you for reading this post, and I hope it could be implemented though maybe not exactly like this, but hopefully implemented for it to do this.


And as always.


~-~Let the gALj7Ue.png games begin~-~


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Sounds kinda good. The only problem here is obtaining players for such a game mode, as its going to be dificult when the population of the server is low. Then again introducing some sort of patroling method to NPC shrooms won't be a bad idea either, maybe on mycelyum , acting as a pathway.


Then again, starting something like this will require at least an antagonist,preferably some maniac who broke in Hydroponics, aquired mutagen,seeds , a tray (cough cargo/science cough) or the administrators intervene. Then again unstable mutagen could lead to a deadlier mutation of the Shrooms, which would make the job of a antagonic botanist much easier.


In a nutshell I find it very hard to start and maintain. In rest it sounds like a pretty good idea,mixing 3 game modes that are rather annoying (xeno and blob) into something more fun that involves teamwork and unity.


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Ah yes, thank you for the reply!, though you are correct but than you have to take into picture that it is a 'create-able' antagonist event creature. If you look at it, it needs to be hard to create so you don't make them every-round. So it makes sense for it to be hard to create at first. Than hard in-depth once created on forwards. Though this was my original plan, do you have other suggestions than the one you gave to improve it? But thanks for the reply once again ^_^.

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Blood thristy Walking shrooms infestation of the trays? Like a game mode where the chances of them spawing by taking over a tray is rather high, or a random event just like Xenos and Blob can be.

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It has a possibility to be a random event, yes. But than also being placed within a created event. All you need is one blood thirsty walking mushroom to wreak havoc and destroy, as all the walking mushrooms have all of the abilities. It just depends which way you go. Don't want them every round, don't want them to be easily playable, though they can be there. Though thanks for the reply again :)

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry for the necro? My internet was down for a few months (Money issues/personal issues) and I recently acquired it back! Though yes I was wondering if this idea was considered or otherwise overlooked. Neverless I still think it would be a great addition as I am starting to play the loving server once more!

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