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I probably should have joined this forum, hmm... Some years ago. Well, I'm here now.


Hello, folks, I'm GalaxyDude.

Some of you may be familiar with my character Claire Kuznetsov from Internal Affairs.

I have a few other characters that I rarely play, namely Duc Wolpe and Joe Kim.

You'll probably only ever see me play Claire.


I've been on paradise station for a couple of years, but I mostly avoid playing outside of holiday seasons.

This is because I mostly play between the hours of 20:00 and 06:00, and this really interferes with the whole sleep thing. Go figure.


I don't recall most of the servers I've played on.

I know I started out on Goon, and have hopped around on various servers ranging from light roleplay to ultra hardcore erotic roleplay.

So far, Paradise is the only one that has really given me what I wanted from SS13.



Oh, and here's a detailed story about my experiences with SS13 and why I'm here, and what led to the creation of my current character, Claire Kuznetsov.

Feel free to skip this.


I first caught wind of this game when One-F Jef uploaded an introduction video to YouTube, and I signed up before the video was done.

Stuck around Goon for a while, but I didn't think the random chaos and violence was the best way to play this game. I needed roleplay.

So I hopped around on various stations. I really don't recall them, but they were mostly roleplay oriented.

Half of them were ghost towns, the other half were... Well, let's just call them "STD-fairs" (I have nothing against ERP, but I would like to also do other things, like uncovering traitors, engaging in office drama, and getting murdered)

So, in the absence of servers that A) had roleplay, B) had people playing, and C) Actually had people playing Space Station 13 and not some strange type of sex-crazed Club Penguin, I stopped playing SS13 for a while.

'Bout a year later, I opened up BYOND, found SS13, clicked the server on the top of the list, and it was a popular, medium-RP server (this was years ago), with normal SS13 gamemodes and a ban on ERP.

They called it Paradise Station. And I felt right at home.

... But I quickly realized that my character - a cryogenically frozen, aristocratic, Nazi scientist called Duke Hector Augustus Wolpe, reanimated by NanoTrasen in order to secretly fund his cruel medical experiments, whom I had created in my last days on Goon - did not really fit in with Cyberiad.

So, I started playing his great great great (etc.) grandson Joe Kim, a dirty lawyer in the pocket of the Syndicate, whom I had made during the server-hopping.

Played him for a while, and got really into the game of fashion. Put in a lot of work on Joe's looks.

Eventually, I created Claire Kuznetsov, an honest and kind young intern, the polar opposite of Joe, so I could try out the other half of the clothing options.

People liked her a lot better than Joe, and I've gradually stopped playing him (and Wolpe) altogether.



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I would say run while you still can, but I think it's too late for you. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.


It's been awhile since I first started. I remember that my first server was BRP with Jamie Smith, an alcoholic do-nothing who stuck around cargo. I was later a mentor for Hippie Station in their earlier days, where I created a random character by the name of Maya Stewart. I never set any job preferences, so I frequently wound up in security where I learned the language of the harmbaton. I think after the death of BRP I stuck around Hippie, then after the Atlas split I just drifted around while occasionally playing on one of BRP's successors, Paradise. Somewhere along the line, Paradise became my home station, and now here I am. I haven't even been here all that long, compared to some other players.


EDIT: Just realized I didn't really sum up why I shared that. I guess it's nice to hear other people's histories with this game, reminds me of when I was just starting out this lame game that I've become a part of.


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