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Name: Makosa

Age: 2 (suspected)

Gender: Female

Race: IPC

Blood Type: Oil

General Occupational Role(s):

Makosa is not really supposed to be trusted in any roles other than the most basic, and yet it would appear someone keeps messing with our paperwork because she has been spotted in literally every field.



Makosa appears to suffer from some faulty drivers that mean her memory is astonishingly bad. She has no concept of danger and maintains a cheery, optimistic outlook that is endearing at times and horrific at others. Everything she does, she does with a happy beep and a spring to her step. She is very easily manipulated due to her childlike nature, and has been subverted on numerous occasions because of this.


We believe she was built by an enthusiast who wasn't entirely sure how to create a fully functioning IPC. We really can't tell - she bears no manufacturer's marks, and has no memory spanning past a few months.




Absolutely none. Do not under any circumstances expect brilliance from this machine.


Employment Records:

Makosa wandered aboard the NSS Cyberiad as a civilian, apparently looking for someone. She insists on returning, so we suppose we can use her for basic manual labor.


She has, by pure fluke, occasionally ended up with actual jobs. These include Blueshield, Mechanic and Quartermaster.


Security Records:

Makosa is something of a headache - while she is largely benign in nature, she doesn't seem to understand the importance of following the law and views being hunted as a game. She is known to playfully antagonize officers just so they will tase her.


Medical Records:

Makosa is an IPC, so damage done to her is generally easily repaired. We suspect she has some faulty wiring and processes going on, but she dislikes being inspected by our roboticicsts and have never been able to confirm this.


Personnel Photo:

"Makosa" is etched onto the side of one of her antenna. She's of fairly average height for a young human female, standing at 5'7".

While most of her body is plainly mechanical and unadorned, there is a soft latex exterior like flesh and skin covering her face to her upper torso, giving her a humanlike appearance... Well, if a human was various shades of green and blue.


She seems to look perpetually confused, or at least as much as a machine with not much control over facial expressions can.


Medals Awarded:



Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:

Other Notes:


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