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NT Rep Suggestion


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While the NT Rep is a great class IMHO. They could stand to have a console for Code REDing the station. There have been a number of rounds where shits been going down and I'm left with my figurative dick in my hand when I couldnt help set Code RED with the HoP or Cap. I'm away from my comp at the moment, do they have an announcement console as well?


Also, theres never really a reason to enter the NT Reps office, but it could stand some furniture for staff meetings, arbitrations and whatnot. (plus it is karma purchased, so some added fluff may make people want to do it more often.)


Also, this may be a dumb question, can you set a Code RED from the HoPs office if you are not HoP? I know NT Rep has HoP access.


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Also, this may be a dumb question, can you set a Code RED from the HoPs office if you are not HoP? I know NT Rep has HoP access.

Yes, you can.


Also, theres never really a reason to enter the NT Reps office

What? How are you sending faxes to central command if you don't use your office?


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