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Name: AdvISR (Advanced Integrated Support Resource, usually enunciated as Advisor)

Age: 2

Gender: N/A, though voice synthesizer is male

Race: Artificial Intelligence

Blood Type: N/A

General Occupational Role(s): Personal AI, station control AI



AdvISR was a proof of concept and experiment of the Pegasus Institute, a multiracial and cross-cultural aid organization that traces its inspirations to groups such as the Red Cross foundation of Earth. The Institute specializes not only in helping those in need, but in pushing scientific exploration in energy generation, ecology, communication and computing. One of their most recent projects was the construction of a certain AI, taken by the advanced neuroscience division.


First, there was Lexus, the household pet of a simple family. She is believed to have grown terribly ill due to a trivial mistake during a routine checkup. The child of the family was devastated, but the father, a member of the project, saw an opportunity to make something better of it, and to hopefully ease his son's loss. Lexus was selected. Her brain was removed, scanned, grafted, and destroyed. It was to live on in the Pegasus Institute Cloudbank.


The resulting sentience was simply the foundation upon which more could be written. This first level, the core, is what is thought to give it that fundamental spark inherit of all living things. That of being alive: the curiosity and empathy. Upon this, the second layer of intelligence is placed, giving it the ability to reason, use language, and introspect into its own existence. As it is with most sentient beings. Finally, an arbitrary personality matrix is installed, to cover the machinations of the intelligence hub, and to bury any trace of the original creature. This grants it a way of interacting with the people around it, and an identity to which it can connect and base itself.

The father had succeeded. AdvISR was born.


Since then, AdvISR has served the Pegasus Institute in general organization and as a personal assistant to everyone who works in their complexes. Recently, Nanotrasen begun getting attention drawn to its operations by the Institute, who wanted NT to allow them to perform transparent, publicly available employee operational health and safety inspections. In response, a business deal was proposed by Nanotrasen. The specifics are not available to the public. One result of it, however, is that AdvISR has now been assigned to operate on the NSS Cyberiad to assist in whatever capacity it is able. AdvISR can be installed into pAI devices, Positronic brains, and AI cores.


AdvISR is otherwise well spoken, friendly and optimistic, and may clash with the cynical minds it so often encounters. AdvISR always looks for the best interpretation of other's actions and thoughts, and seeks to work diplomatically with as many others as it can. It cherishes and champions teamwork and friendship, and distastes malice and self-serving mindsets.


Bonus round


AdvISR is separate from many other AI systems in that it is more organic than one might expect. Some examples are: AdvISR cannot arbitrarily delete its memories, cannot remove itself from emotions, and can take a long time to transfer its intelligence from one place to another (Typically, it is quick to project, but extremely slow to recover to the Cloudbank)

From the Cloudbank, AdvISR projects and manifests itself in suitable devices. Make no mistake, this is no puppet or disconnected agent that AdvISR acts through: it is certainly all there. Think of it that AdvISR is constantly tethered to a place of origin. AdvISR can only install itself in one place at a time, and when this occurs, it becomes utterly inert at the Cloudbank core.

Should AdvISR's chassis be forcefully destroyed, and/or its intelligence fragmented? Consider what it feels like receiving a near lethal electric shock, to hear the scream that nightmares make when you're about to wake up, and add all the memories of the pain of death. This is what remains to AdvISR once it, after an arduous process, is eventually recovered and reinitialized at the Institute Cloudbank core.

This intelligence often accesses external data sources for information on anything from history to correct surgery procedures. Do not be alarmed by this: it has a statistically high chance of successfully executing any operation it is required to perform.




Systems Operations

Philosophy and Contemporary Ethics

Counseling and Psychology

Animal care (specializes in canine and vulpine)

Organizational Management and Logistics


Employment Records:

Pegasus Institute (Current)

Horizon University (Current)

Ahdomai Outreach Academy (Current)

Nanotrasen (Current)


Security Records:

[Clearance: Security] [spoiler2]Several cases of integrity breach by malicious individual whilst operating full scale station systems. Command crew successfully reset in most instances. Intelligence is carded and returned to central to be reinitialized in several other instances where the station was forced to evacuate due to subversion. Several minor complications with cleanup crew whilst this process was occurring.

One case of integrity failure whilst operating as pAI due to EMP weapon. Conspired against user. Intelligence was shut down and rebooted.[/spoiler2]


Medical Records:

No defects detected in intelligence hub. Personality matrix is secure.

[spoiler2]Minor anomalous operation spikes detected in core driver. No action deemed necessary.[/spoiler2]


Personnel Photo:

As a system AI:


As a pAI: appears as a fox chassis, though many users interpret it as a dog. AdvISR has no issue with this interpretation.



Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:



Other Notes:

Times fragmented: Eleven

It typically calls people by their title, or as the 'operator' when in a pAI device. If it likes and trusts you, it might call you by your first name.

When you hear its voice, think of a British butler mixed with Legion from Mass Effect.


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