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Valeriya Gorokhov

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Name: Valeriya Gorokhov

Age: 23

Race: Human, caucasian

Blood Type: O-

General Occupational Role(s): Assistant




Born near one of Earth's biggest cities, Moskva, in year 2537. Her life was pretty normal, for Earth standards. This calmness ended when she was 17 3/4 years old, when only her and her father, Vladimir, survived a horrible [REDACTED], during which her mother, brother and dog deceased. She after the named [REDACTED], her heart had to be assisted, and her father used the rest of the money the had to move to Mars, for her to go under reconstructive surgery.


She lived with her father in Lowell City, and in 2557 her father died of a heart attack, and he had refused to be cloned on his will. In early 2558, Valeriya joined Nanotrasen, to be assigned as a Security Officer in the NSS Exodus. She was transfered to the NSS Cyberiad in 2560.


Employment Records:

NSS Exodus, Security Officer: May 2558 - December 2559

NSS Cyberiad, Assistant: January 2560 - Present


Security Records: Counts of Assault, Trespassing and Theft. Served time for each.


Medical Records: Pacemaker assisted heart. Sociopathic behaviours, recommend psychiatric assessment.


Personnel Photo (Appearance text):




Young woman, posseses a fit body build. Blue hair, bright brown eyes. Stands at 174cm (5'8). You notice a Russian accent when she speaks GalCom or Sol.


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