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Name: Robert Van Dijck (R.V.D.)

Age: 85

Gender: Male

Race: Independent Positronic Chassis

Blood Type: n/a

General Occupational Role(s): Journalist, Coronor, Detective, Magistrate, Blueshield, Quartermaster.


Biography: He was the leader of an organised crime group hidden under the company name Van Dijck Shipping and Recieving. But as time went on his son didn't want to come into the family buisiness and instead went to work for nanotrasen. So as time went on Robert got older and after a while his son got a grandson, Jim Van Dijck. As soon as Robert could he got Jim into the family buisness and apointed him as his succesor. Ofcourse Robert's son didn't like this and so he attempted to assassinate by a mercenary hidden as a rival organised crime group member. He failed to kill him but it did cause Robert and Jim to create a backup plan in case Robert would die. They copied Robert's brain and memories onto a positronic brain and put it inside a stolen IPC Chassis. They never had to activate this IPC untill Robert died in a fight with a vox gang, wich R.V.D. doesn't remember because his memories were copied before that. As the whole operation and company were compromised by the vox attack, Jim and R.V.D. started working for nanotrasen to earn some money and for various other reasons.


Qualifications: Medical Doctorate, including surgery.

Space law study.

10 minute journalism workshop.

Seen all of NCIS (Nanotrasen Crime Investation Spacestations)


Employment Records: Former CEO of Van Dijck Shipping and Recieving


Security Records: Former Leader of Organised Crime Group


Medical Records: 100% metal


Personnel Photo (Appearance text): An IPC that has a lot of scratches on it. the NT logo on the side of it's head is (poorly) scraped of and the letters VD are painted in black over the logo.

hastily drawn pictures in paint



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