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Magistrate Chompsky - Clown - Fun Police


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Hello there, I'm new to Paradise station and the antagonist rounds that are prevalent on station, as well as some of the sillier aspects of RP within the SS13 community.... and I've spent many a day observing rounds just watching how the server works and having a blast seeing what kind of trouble people get into.


Well, I've had a few ideas of some funny roleplaying segments on station... and one particular one has been drifting in my head.


Personally, I like the idea of the clown... his profession is to make fun and spread happiness on station; but due to the fact that the clown seems to be abused by security in almost all rounds because of his profession... I've been thinking about roleplaying an anti-clown, called "Magistrate Honker" or something more clever. His job would require him to work with security and the heads of staff, to ensure strict compliance to a 'no fun' policy... After all, you're hired by NanoTrasen to WORK, not gallivant around the station in fur suits. And since apparently the station can't handle a bit of fun... with all the reports of clown abuse and arrests, the Clown Federation has had enough; and is placing a 'fun' embargo on all matters of fun or pleasure on station... until the situation is rectified.


Basically, he'd be in charge of being the "fun police" on station... giving citations to people who are having fun; and keeping a very serious demeanor, despite him having his clown wig and giggles backpack; possibly getting rid of his main outfit for a drab trenchcoat.


The HoP is playing with his dog? That's a citation, along with a health code violation.

The captain smoking a cigar? That's a pleasure narcotic, along with a major health code violation.

Someone playing the piano? He better be playing the blues.

Chef serving ice cream? That's a citation, along with the cart being confiscated.


Don't forget to stamp the citations with the clowns stamp, for added power.


The Clown Magistrate would obviously be RPing with an IAA agent or NT Rep, and would compile a convincing argument. And with the procedures requiring all 'fun' to be registered and controlled on station, with a 15 minute 'fun allowance' (only if documented with the Clown Federation before hand, and approved)... should make the IAA and NT Rep more fun to play, especially since they would be enforcing the regulations under NT backing (not to mention the paperwork side, which as an IAA and NT Rep you should LOVE people being forced to push on others).


Obviously, I can't see this ending well for the Magistrate Clown, but... admit it, it would be fun to even program the AI to look out for people having 'fun', and stopping them.


If anyone has any suggestions to this, or would even want to give this a try... I'm more then willing to work with you. Shoot me a PM or reply below!


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