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Recouping costs, the accountant-ing


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The idea: NT commissions these stations so they can be profitable and develop technologies, but rarely any of this reaches centcomm in a physical way without sending out scrapping and reclaiming techs.


So, remove supply points.

Instead, add a shipping quota, visible on the supply consoles.

Station starts with a positive startup amount on their quota.


When you order things, you negatively impact this quota, and when you ship things you positively affect this quota.


If you don't have enough fulfilled quota points for a crate, you can't order the crate.


There is no passive growth of the quota, but the extra supply points event does affect it positively.


This quota refreshes every 30 minutes or hour or two hours (whatever's more balanced), and carries over the deficit or bonus from the previous quota period. (minus the quota amount of the previous period. This can cause the fulfilled amount to become negative, or surplus of the quota.)


To meet this quota, you can ship finished technology from science, artifacts bundled with a gas chromatograph scan from xenoarch, large artifacts even without a scan, botany produce (especially if it's crazy mutated) minerals and sheets from mining, and beakers of complex chemicals from chemistry, excess corgi puppies, etc. You can also ship physical credits and stacks of phat cash. Cyborg cash doesn't count. You can also buy into the quota by paying digital credits.


Basically anything that NT would want the station to produce.


If the station stays consecutively negative or fails to fulfil the quota, an event will start.


NT accountants have initiated a station tax to try and recoup costs.


The event will add a tax to using the functions of most machines that produce things. Drink machines, autolathes, proto lathes, circuit imprinters, exosuit fabricators, chem dispensers, etc.


You have to pay and have your pin synched with the machine to use it, and all tax goes to fulfilling the quota.


If enough things are shipped to satisfy nanotrasen accounts (ie go positive from negative or meet the current quota) then the tax will be lifted and the event ended until it happens again.


Edit for clarification: Quota points aren't collected until the end of the quota period. They're basically an abstract simplified concept of how well the nanotrasen accountants think the station is doing.


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Money system would need a complete overhaul but this would be very good.


Canisters from atmos should also be included, might need some way to stop fifty 20*c plasma canisters getting sent back though.


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