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New Disability - Hard of Hearing


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Alright, so, it's pretty obvious that not very many people use disabilities. That being said, the current disabilities are either LIFE-ENDING (seizures can fuck you up in a desperate time, deaf can fuck you up the entire GAME) or VERY ANNOYING (obesity means no outer wear, and eyeglasses remove your ability to have sunglasses to prevent flashes, mesons for mining, or night vision for night vision). That's why I propose we implement a new disability: Hard of Hearing. It would work pretty simply. On spawn, you get a special Headset. It works the same as all headsets, except it's also part hearing aid. While wearing it, you hear fine, but sometimes (about as often as seizures of seizure-prone people) it'll emit a static buzz that deafens you for a couple seconds, or pick up on small bits of text from other radio channels. That part is not the main part, though, and isn't really necessary. The MAIN part of the disability is that, if you take off the hearing aid, or it is taken off of you, you can only hear within whisper range. If someone is two tiles away, you hear bits and pieces of their speech, like whispers. If they're right next to you, you can hear them. Simple enough, yeah? Also, if the coders don't want to make a copy of EVERY SINGLE HEADSET to make them hearing aids, an entire item could just be made called "hearing aid" that can be put on your free ear, since you have two, and one is almost never used.


For traitors: If a hearing aid is e-magged, it could stop working altogether.

If they are implemented into headsets, perhaps when e-magged, they could do the OPPOSITE effect and make the wearer deaf. Then, you can put it on someone, and they'll be deaf until they get it off (impossible if cuffed)


I think it's cool idk. Tell me what ya think.


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