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Event/Code Test


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http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/ge ... ours&swk=1


Tonight we're running a test for about 2 hours. During this test the code will be swapped for a very similar code with a short list of changes. You can see this list at the end of this post.


The main thing to observe during this test is that admins will not interfere with the round, they will only interfere if a player breaks a rule concerning OOC issues such as hatespeech. This means that you will have to rely on security and each other against the few who decide that their fun is more important than everyone else's. The changes to the code have been made to make it far easier to defend against griefers, so don't give up. Get even.


Test have been ran with up to 30 players and the rounds have been enjoyable and interesting - I'm doing this to see if it works well with even more players. I have gotten permission from Paradise's headmins, and a discussion/info thread was made here earlier: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4956



1. Dead players can respawn after a 10 minute wait as a prisoner transfer, appearing in the permabrig. You can also join as one when logging in, if you're masochistic.

2. Fueltanks set the person who lit them on fire, doesn't harm anyone else.

3. Replaced singularity with supermatter engine.

4. Starvation will kill you, through toxin damage, as your organs eat themselves.

5. No OOC except pre-round lobby. LOOC still allowed.

6. Atmos starts with empty plasma, n2o and co2 containers.

7. Cargo can order canisters of all gases and crates of all metals and minerals, also tank transfer valves.

8. Removed plasma and transfer valves from toxins research, they can order them via cargo.

9. Removed the incinerator.

10. Removed Drones

11. Added AI turret controls to RDs office and AI satellite lobby (requires bridge access to use: all heads of staff can use them).

12. Prison extended.

13. Sec uses riot shotguns, not tasers. Limited ammo punishes mindless shooting. Also, no instant hit stun.

14. Sec also uses nightsticks instead of stun batons - needs two hits to down someone. No need for a battery.


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