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Supermatter Delamination & Nucleation Squad Event


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As you all are probably maybe aware, there's this thing called a Supermatter Engine, and if you fuck up while using it, it explodes and send huge amounts of radiation everywhere.


I, however, think that is terribly uninteresting, and I propose the following to occur when the Supermatter delaminates:


-Supermatter shards do not explode and shoot rads everywhere when they delaminate.


-Instead, the Supermatter turns into a Supermatter Storm - The sprite would be a giant, yellow, translucent hurricane-looking thing that spins around.


-Supermatter Storm shoots rads at everything near it, and transforms floors and walls into Supermatter Storms and Supermatter Floors, which are radioactive (and already in the code). It also moves around lazily, like a loose Singularity or Nar'sie.


-Any non-synthetic being that walks into a Supermatter Storm is brutally transformed into a Nucleation. The less human-like you are, the more cloning damage you take. Humans don’t take any. IPC get converted too. Don't ask how, Supermatter magic.


-Codewise, this should be relatively simple - Our new Nar’sie already turns one mob into another (or kills them and puts a new one down, either way, still similar), and it already replaces walls and floors. It should be a matter of swapping out what is turned into what, but that's just speculation from my rather ignorant perspective, as I have no real idea how hard this would be.


In addition, there's an admin event I came up with - the Nucleation Squad.


The premise: A bunch of (5 or so) very disgruntled Nucleations from another station or planet have rebelled successfully, and have made off with a shuttle, weapons, and a Supermatter shard. Their shard, however, is locked inside a sealed lead box (the ones they come in via Cargo), and unfortunately, in their haste they forgot or lost what they needed to open it.


Game mechanics:

-Four or 5 Nucleations are spawned on the White Ship, or some other shuttle.

-They're given Civilian-level ID's, Plasma Pistols, Plasma Cutters, toolbelts of tools, EVA softsuits, magboots, internals, and a Supermatter crate none of them can open.

-They're given the objective to detonate their SM shard on the station.

-Admin then sends their shuttle to the station, and things progress as one might expect.


This could be over instantly if they catch the CE/HoP/Captain quickly. Plasma pistols and cutters are pretty weak, though, as are softsuits, compared to the arms regular antagonists have, so they'll have to be clever and work together (who am I kidding they'll all just die horribly in 5 minutes) to mash someone who can open the crate. Then, they throw things into it, up to and including themselves, and unleash crystalline horror upon the station.


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-Codewise, this should be relatively simple - Our new Nar’sie already turns one mob into another (or kills them and puts a new one down, either way, still similar), and it already replaces walls and floors. It should be a matter of swapping out what is turned into what, but that's just speculation from my rather ignorant perspective, as I have no real idea how hard this would be.

It's even more simple than that! It's just setspecies("nucleation"). Yeah, this sounds great. I've thought this they were added that there should be some in-round method of becoming a nucleation.


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