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Janitorial Quality of Life

Streaky Haddock

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Allow Janitors to be able to refill their light replacers by clicking on lights. It's quicker than the current method of clicking on a light, clicking on the light replacer.


Allow Janitors to be able to put legs, hands, arms etc into trash bags. Sure, this may mean griffbutts can steal robotic legs or heads or whatever to be an ass, but Janitors are also likely gonna have to clear up limbs and lungs all the time.


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Not to mention light bulbs from a lathe are only about 1/10th of a sheet of glass. Throwing an entire sheet into a replacer to get one bulb is horrible.

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how about a light replacing robot, just like bebskys or medibots ect you connect sensor and arm to a light replacer and it walks around replacing lights



to topic, how about a Advanced light replacer from research that is recycling lightbulbs by the effectivity of 50%


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