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Item Suggestion, maybe


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Not sure Nanotrasen is up to digitizing material items as a technology yet, just bluespace, but i suppose its pretty similar.


OMNItech gear, its essentially just a handle, but you can take other OMNI compatible gear and it will store itself digitally inside the handle, and you can swap items on the fly through a single piece of equipment. OMNItech has a limited capacity for items, and it has to fit the category of the OMNItech gear itself, such as OMNIweapon, OMNItool, etc. It could be a non roundstart item that science can research, kinda like the bag of holding except its a specific item rather than a backpack, and slightly easier since it uses digitization rather than bluespace.



Can carry more tools (An OMNItool usually has a weight limit on items, for SS13, maybe 3 or 4]

Allows for some items to be fast swapped

not all items would be OMNIcompatible, to prevent hiding particualrly dangerous tools

SEC could get an OMNIweapon, to hold multiple security gear items such as the taser and stun baton as a single item to carry more sec gear.

could have half your toolbox as a single item as an engineer



Electronic items would share a single charge

limited storage space to prevent misuse

cannot store tools and weapons together (not really a con though]

If lost or stolen you could lose up to 4 items

someone could find a way to grief with it, though the item is made to be conveinent, rather than a game changer


there's little point for the OMNIweapon, except for code red when security needs to be properly armed, but engineers and scientists could benefit greatly from an expanded storage space with something like this, not that it seems very necessary since we get the job done well, this would just be a good conveinence item.


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