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karma unlock job titles?


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have karma unlockable job TITLES, (not sure who posted the idea first)


have them vary in quality and be upgradeable.


5 karma unlocks the first job title


stacking 10 more will unlock the next one (total of 15)


stacking 15 more will unlock the master one (total of 30)


this is very barebones but i need more things to throw karma dosh at!


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I don't support this at all, because someone could get all their karma from being a clown, and then all of a sudden be a 'Master Surgeon', or a 'Master Security Officer'.


It'd lead to elitism as well, with people instantly believing those with the titles are superior to those without, which wouldn't be the case.


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but if i up it to 10, 20 and 30 karma its going to make people think twice about buying any of the ranks purely for screwing over people, since you will need 60 karma to get the highest rank.


also put some space between the buttons to avoid mistakes.


if people are up for coding things then they can try to sort the karma based on department or job, and make it need you to have 1/3 karma be from the correct department when buying ranks?


this is probably going to burn down.


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I do like the idea of departmental karma. For example, certain jobs take any old karma...like barber or vox. Other jobs, however, would need departmental karma, such as Brig Phys needing a combination of 5 sec or medical.


When you type "Check_karma" it would list something like:

2 Civillian Karma

4 Support Karma

10 Medical Karma

3 ERT Karma



The job titles should not, however be things like, "Super Bartender, Super Duper Bartender, Wicked Grandmaster of all the Bartending Realms." They should be along the lines of, "Barkeep, Mixologist, Tavern Master"


(PS: According to spellcheck, "Mixologist" is not a real word and should be replaced with the much more appropriate word, "Sexologist.")

(PPS: Can we add "Sexologist" as a clown title?)


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It might sound fine and dandy but.... the karma system was meant to be some kind of reward to good players without causing elitism (or not too much at least, eh..).


I can already see this being abused to boost ego and seem important. It's not a bad idea in itself but.... it would bring bad stuff.


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Adr, we already have alternate titles for most jobs. All this is is unlocking new ones of the same level. There's no superiority complex here. All he's saying is that our karma shop is pretty barebones at the moment, especially for the regulars, and could be added to fairly easily.

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A few days ago I suggested earning "prestige" alternate titles from playing a certain amount of rounds as that job. To be honest I still think I'd prefer that to karma unlocked job titles.

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