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It's about time I did one of these...


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The Cigar is just a cigar, I swear.


Hey there, I'm Psyentific. I play Janet Williams, often in Cargo, but increasingly in R&D and Telescience. Janet's a raging bitch, and she hates this station (and you) so god damn much. Don't have any other characters (yet), aside from a few throwaways I use for ERT names. I'd consider myself to be very robust, and it's entirely possible that I'm one of the most robust people here, especially when I'm running Cargo. My current SS13 aspiration is to roll Traitor with "Die a glorious death", and complete that objective with two singularities, two plasma fires, and one nuclear initiation timed to co-incide with emergency shuttle arrival.


In terms of playstyle, I'm a powergamer who enjoys roleplaying. I think the toolbelt is the single most robust item in SS13, and I'm seldom found without one. Some of the most fun moments I've had in SS13 recently were sitting down with some old friends and catching up, telling war stories, and bullshitting. I've been playing SS13 since Summer 2013, and almost all of that time was spent on /tg/station. I fondly remember back when /tg/ was similar to Paradise, with a good mix of powergame and RP.


In terms of friends, I play regularly with Dawgas, FriikkiM and Kamikaze14 - we skypecall all day every day it's great. If I had to say one notable thing that I've accomplished, it'd be that I'm the reason /tg/code has gun-proof crates.


Have a Wizard Alien riding a Janikart.



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