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Extra tool belt spot.


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I keep the O2 tank in my pocket and a flashlight on my vest, usually. I shove the T-Ray into my internals box unless I'm using it, then it just goes in my pocket. That said, more inventory spaces would be bad, tool belts are sought after as is, making them even more valuable will just make it harder for jobs that can actually make good use of them (Scientists, occasionally janitors) having a harder time getting them. I know cargo CAN order them, but since when does Cargo order anything but what they need or Pizza and Booze?

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To be entirely honest I'd push for Janitor to be moved to an engineering position, as their job IS to keep the station serviceable. +1 for tools and Hazard Vest spawning in Janitor's closet.

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janitor is not an engineers job.

where on any factory or company on this world is the janitor also the guy who fixes the hight tech machinery?

janitor cleans floor and changes lightbulls.

engineer repairs walls, floors, windows, pipesystems... ect


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My grandfather worked at a Hospital for 15 years. His job was 'Maintenance Worker.' You know what he did? He swept and mopped floors, dusted down and disinfected rooms after patients left them, washed windows and glass, cleaned up various messes, took out trash bags, replaced dead lights and was called onto fix any little problem the hospital came across. From mouse chewed wires, fixing tables and doors, broken light fixtures and general repairs. His rule of thumb is that if it was something that would take less than 15-20 minutes to fix, he'd take care of it. Otherwise he'd call a technician to work on it, like when the elevator would screw up or specific medical machine was broken.

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