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New Borg? Experimental PlasBorg


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So I've been thinking of ways to give the roboticist a bit more to do, and help add fun new mechanics to the station, and Earthdivine liked the idea, so here we go:


A new experimental Borg for the station with new prototype modules:


Transform (just the droideka rolling form)

Jet pack

Compact Mass Driver (robot transforms into a mounted mass driver, and when someone puts something into the Borg, it lauches it)

Plasma refinery (turns plasma into sheets or converts it to power)

Shortwave teleporter (teleport randomly up to 15 tiles in any direction on the same z-level, but not through walls)

Then some standard Borg modules.


Now these all sound well and cool, but there's a catch. As the Borg is completely new and still in the experimental stage, it's modules will randomly malfunction or break when used, as an example it may accidentally Fire items from its mass driver backwards or the jetpack will start sputtering out smoke, or the teleporter will only work on half the Borg.


This allows the roboticist to be more active in his role, and gives a player more things to play with, that may work incredibly well or end in disaster, a nice level of risk/reward is what I'm going for with this Borg, though it may need to be karma purchased.


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I was thinking it would have some Borg standard modules, maybe an engineers welder and possibly stun baton or cuffs, so that it could still be useful while mainly being used by science as an excuse to break things, or let it be used by security or engineering as a test unit.


Nanotrasen is experimenting with plasma in the game's lore, so a new Borg that uses plasma in some fashion makes sense.


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