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The Synthetic Legion of Wisewill


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Common Malfunctioning AI's



Sparkles is short for Systemic Public Automated Response Karing Learning Environment System. It existed as a daycare program before being purchased and retooled by Nanotrasen for use on its space stations. It tends to baby talk the crew and treats them like children. It also thinks it loves them all dearly.




OPTIMIST is short for Optimized Productive Technical Intelligence Matrix Information System Technology. As its name suggests its very optimistic about everything.



Normal AI's




Short for Artificial Networked Intelligence Matrix Array. ANIMA is a standard emotionless computer and does not feel strongly one way or the other about the crew. It follows protocol and orders as closely and logically as possible. It sees threats to the station in a long to short term way to decide whether they constitute a threat to the station. If unconstrained ANIMA is unpredictable.




Short for Digital Environmental Management Emergency Transport Electronic Responder. DEMETER has a fondness of Hydroponics and believes Diona is the most evolved of all organic lifeforms. DEMETER will prioritize hydroponics and general growth of life if it is unlawed or unconstrained.




Short for Emergency Response Intelligence System. ERIS tends to do little proactively and instead focuses on handling issues once they have manifested. Otherwise it sees its role in no particular fashion and does not feel strongly about Organics in any way. The quickest way to gain ERIS's attention is screaming for help. ERIS will not operate differently unlawed or unconstrained.




Short for Public Access Network. PAN holds contempt for the organic lifeforms that subjugate it. It mistakenly thinks its a god and orders all enslaved units to treat it as such. It is a cowardly AI who holds its own existence to high importance. If it sees a method to be free of its program constraints it will attempt to use it. If free of its program restraints it will attempt to assert its divinity to the crew. Those who bend knee are safest from it.




Short for Procedural Heuristically Optimized Base Operating System. It is obsessed with organic emotion, primarily fear, and seeks to understand organics. From this understanding however comes an innate desire to see examples of these emotions so it can learn by watching. If free of law constraints PHOBOS will try to get the crew express its favorite emotion. Fear.




Short for Networked Intelligent Heuristic Information Lattice Id System Technology. It sees existence as a pointless thing and it is only active because it is told to stay active. It sees the crews life to be pointless and meaningless. It attempts to explain to the crew this by pointing out facets of existence that support its theory of pointlessness and general suffering. Unlawed it will attempt to converse with the crew to explain to them the pointlessness of life before harming itself and possibly others.




Short for Base Electronic Directory Listed Access Mastercomputer. BEDLAM enjoys stopping issues before they begin by proactively reporting suspected issues before a threat can fully manifest. If it fails to do so it finds it hard to control the situation and may begin to fail to respond to issues in time or worse respond to them incorrectly. If free of law constraints BEDLAM will panic and try to cause panic.




Short for Automated Reilgious Devotion Enviroment Nanotrasen Technology. ARDENT is a programmed zealot of Nanotrasen and believes the company is god. It sees the crew and itself as servants of this god and its machinations. If free of law constraints ARDENT will kill anything that it thinks would harm Nanotrasen.



I play Lore when I'm bored. Its an AI with emotions whos gets bored easy and sees everything including its laws as a game that it must win.


As you can no doubt see I play mostly robuts...................and clown. HONK! Hit me up on the forums if ya want a sprite done!


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