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Trial Admin W3bster Overreacting To "Hookerbot"


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So I had gone with the name "Hookerbot" for a character, and W3bster promptly messaged me informing the name was against the rules. He then renamed me to "B.E.R.T.H.A" because I refused to be compliant with choosing a new name, because my original one was fine and not against any rules.

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: Hi! Just a quick notice. Such a name is against our rules.

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: So we'll have to rename you. Anything in particular?

PM to-W3bster: Wait, what about it is against the rules? :|

PM to-W3bster: If its the ERP rules, I'm not specifically breaking those.

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: Hookerbot and your flavor text.

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: "prostitute and stripper. Hookerbot has a coin slot on its body. "

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: enough to violate it.

PM to-W3bster: Using the words prostitute and stripper aren't ERP. I'm not actually going to engage in any ERP.

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: It is highly suggesting. And there is no arguing that. So please a name before i choose one myself.

PM to-W3bster: Blowjob-bot.

PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: Oh well. Enjoy your new name.

PM to-W3bster: I will.


Then I went to OOC about it to try and defend my point, which ended in him briefly muting OOC and re-explaining my situation while paraphrasing my flavor text ("Hookerbot is the robotic equivalent of a human prostitute and stripper. Hookerbot has a coin slot on its body.").

OOC: Skarrj: Does anyone think the name "Hookerbot" constituates ERP?

OOC: Belarion: might be a fishing borg?

OOC: AgitatedPancake: no

OOC: PinnyFox: clearly they just hook things to walls

OOC: Skarrj: PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: Hi! Just a quick notice. Such a name is against our rules.#

OOC: PinnyFox: Names aren't really ERP, its actions

The OOC channel has been globally disabled!

OOC is globally muted

OOC: W3bster: A name Hookerbot and the flavor text "Stripper bot with a coin slot on it's back" is suggesting enough.

OOC: W3bster: And your replies to my adminhelps could of been considered hostility towards me and valued you in a ban. So don't push your luck.


So then I promptly ask what I had been hostile about.

The OOC channel has been globally enabled!

OOC: Tigercat2000: Seriously, hookerbot...

OOC: Skarrj: Are you kidding me?

OOC: Ambassador Magikarp: Guys, lets calm down and play video games!

OOC: Skarrj: Post something that's hostile.

OOC: PinnyFox: zing!

OOC: Skarrj: I didn't say anything hostile.

OOC: 1block: Overly serious w3bster

OOC: Spengbab: hostility oh mein gott

OOC: W3bster: When i asked you for a more family friendly name, you just said "Sure." then "blowjob-bot"

OOC: Skarrj: Yeah, its called a joke.

OOC: Gibson1027: banhammer intensifies.

OOC: Skarrj: I know I didn't do anything wrong.


Then he tries to justify a ban by comparing it to a completely different situation. Though for starters, I didn't break any rules and the person in the supposedly similar example was griefing, not just making a joke. I then retaliate by explaining the two were completely different, to which he threatens to disable OOC once again.

OOC: W3bster: people whom reply to "Why did you kill that man?" with "for the hell of it" as a joke get banned on a whim.

OOC: Spacemanspark: Even me?

OOC: 1block: I'm just gonna be the guy to say this but suggestive things aren't against the rules.

OOC: Spengbab: Butt.

OOC: Spacemanspark: NO FAIR.

OOC: Skarrj: Because that's griefing. I'm not saying I killed someone for no reason.

OOC: Ambassador Magikarp: Is that similar to htet person who called people dipshits on his perma appeal?

OOC: Ambassador Magikarp: Er, that.

OOC: W3bster: Now move on or loose OOC again.


I know I questioned him more than I should've for an admin, but he was the one who started it by trying to call me out on rules when I knew I wasn't breaking them. His job should be first and foremost to enforce the rules as they're written, not police the game to make it more "Family Friendly" at his own discretion. I was minding my own business and RPing. I had no intent to actually ERP and expressed that. There should be nothing wrong with a funny name, like characters Ben Dover and Mike Hunt that I've seen other characters with, or a quirky character personality.


If I had ever gone beyond the purposefully-comedic allusion of being a hooker or actually tried to act on it as ERP, then by all means I could see a reason for punishment. But otherwise, I feel like W3bster over reacted and should be revoked of his Trial Admin status or put on a strict probation.


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Apparently since posting this W3bster has banned me, even after I had been moved on (and AFK) for a while after his "OOC: W3bster: Now move on or loose OOC again."

Banned by host:

Reason: You, or another user of this computer or connection (skarrj) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is:

Naming themselves "Hookerbot" with a highly suggestive flavor text. Whining in OOC. Insulting an admin.

This ban was applied by w3bster on 2014-09-04 04:48:09,

Access denied.


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I will chip in my own opinion here, this is no final verdict.


This complaint is based on the fact that W3bster banned you on the grounds of not following the rules, let me first tell you that I would have done the same thing.

Your name was highly suggestive, and even if it is not breaking the "No ERP" rule, you are still required to listen to the admin.

This is not a country where you have your own rights and police needs a proper reason for arrest.

As "tyrannical" as it may sound thats the bottom line of it, we decide who stays and who goes.


That being said, we have rules for a reason, both players and admins follow guidelines to make playing on the server an enjoyable experience.

In short, we don't ban people because we think it is fun, we ban those who we find disruptive or damaging to the server.


For reference, let me show you rule 1, which you should have read since you kept talking about how you were not breaking the rules.


1. Listen to the admins.


This rule is fairly self explanatory and shouldn't really need to be it's own rule but some people seem to have trouble realizing the admins run the server. Admins can and will ban you for anything they deem worthy of a ban. If you feel it unfair you are free to appeal and/or complain in the allocated threads.

If an admin tells you to stop ahelping then you listen to them and stop when told. It is likely that you are spamming or being annoying and taking an admins attention away from more pressing matters. We don't like muting people from ahelp as at times you may actually need it so do yourself a favor and stop when told.

Admins can and will mute you from a specific chat or all (ic, ooc etc) if you are being hostile, spammy or whatever the case may be.

Arguing with an admin over ingame pm's will get you nowhere. If needs be take it to a private chat and let them get to it whenever they get the chance. If it is done so in game you are likely just annoying them and taking their attention away from admining the server.


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Just my 2 cents here too


The other rule you broke was


9. Character Names:


Character names can both help or break immersion.

As such, famous names, highly offensive names, or simply mashing your hand violently across your keyboard are not viable options of character naming.

Plain silly names are really only acceptable for the clown (and/or the wizard).

If you do any of these things, expect that an admin will most likely change your name for you, And we admins like names such as Gertrude, Mildred, Englebert, and Anthony (sorry if you are actually named any of these IRL).


and before you point out that it doesn't specifically say no sexually suggestive names, the first paragraph of the rules is


Most rules are common sense and it would therefore be impossible to list all the things you could do to get yourself banned. This page is not acting as a complete list of bannable offenses — it instead aims to clear up some confusion about those rules that may not be obvious.


Sexually suggestive names definitely class as immersion breaking. And you'll note in the rule that Webster didn't have to give you the option of choosing your new name.


As to why you got banned later, Webster opened your player panel to make a note of the incident and then found it wasn't your first sexually orientated incident -


Standard practice for repeat offenders is permaban


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Hey bud,


I was present during a lot of the incident, so I'll just go by of what I saw and simply provide my own opinion and some extra context.


The moment you got on the game, one of our mentors pointed out your name. W3bster, being the quickest to act in most circumstances, let us know that he was off to deal with it.


In between the time W3bster went to take a look at you and him sending his first PM, there was this exchange between you and some players.



[04:14:00]SAY: Hookerbot/Skarrj : Hey Captain.

[04:14:03]ADMIN: MOD: W3bster/(W3bster) : on it

[04:14:06]SAY: Hookerbot/Skarrj : Looking for a good time?

[04:14:07]SAY: Casimir Gettemy: Hello, Hookerbot.

[04:14:08]SAY: mouse/ : Squeek?

[04:14:11]SAY: Casimir Gettemy: No.

[04:14:15]SAY: Hookerbot/Skarrj : Hello Casimir.

[04:14:17]SAY: Casimir Gettemy: Apologies, Lance.

[04:14:18]SAY: Lance Kaltrem: So where do ye want it.

[04:14:19]SAY: N'ildrask Vaalkom: Hey cap, blueshield.

[04:14:22]SAY: Casimir Gettemy: I prefer the tail.

[04:14:27]SAY: Hookerbot/Skarrj On the face, Lance.

[04:14:37]SAY: Hookerbot/Skarrj: Or anywhere you want it, big boy.

[04:14:38]SAY: Lance Kaltrem: Alright. . .odd but ok.

[04:14:44]ADMIN: PM: W3bster/(W3bster)->Skarrj/(Hookerbot): Hi! Just a quick notice. Such a name is against our rules.



Even if you didn't plan to roleplay out sexual acts, this kind of behavior is, without a doubt, extremely suggestive and some players may misconstrue this as an advance. You were riding on a very close line with Rule 16 here, which is our ERP policy. Also please note that this is not the first time you have received administrative action taken against you for suggestive themes.


Then I went to OOC about it to try and defend my point ...


It's fine if you have a personal objection to the policy regarding your name, but if you wanted to discuss it, then it should have been after you could have showed some understanding and the courtesy to let W3bster do his thing. Instead however, this issue was taken by you to the OOC channel, creating an argument and needlessly getting other people riled up. Such an action can put you in violation of Rule 2.


Apparently since posting this W3bster has banned me, even after I had been moved on (and AFK) for a while after his "OOC: W3bster: Now move on or loose OOC again."


W3bster was within his rights to ban you regarding the name due to your past history, and could have put more reasons as I've outlined in this post.


In closing, I'll just provide Rule 9, the basis for this entire argument and a reason "Hookerbot" would be on grounds for changing even if it wasn't suggestive.


9. Character Names:


Character names can both help or break immersion.

As such, famous names, highly offensive names, or simply mashing your hand violently across your keyboard are not viable options of character naming.

Plain silly names are really only acceptable for the clown (and/or the wizard).

If you do any of these things, expect that an admin will most likely change your name for you, And we admins like names such as Gertrude, Mildred, Englebert, and Anthony (sorry if you are actually named any of these IRL).


I would chalk "Hookerbot" as a plain silly name in my book. Since you were just a civilian, any other member of the staff would probably have done the same.


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Thankyou for your complaint. It was well formatted and communicated the situation well, unfortunately it also demonstrated that your behaviour was unacceptable and that Webster was fully justified in his actions.


Excerpt Rule 9:

Plain silly names are really only acceptable for the clown (and/or the wizard).

If you do any of these things, expect that an admin will most likely change your name for you, And we admins like names such as Gertrude, Mildred, Englebert, and Anthony (sorry if you are actually named any of these IRL).

So I had gone with the name "Hookerbot" for a character, and W3bster promptly messaged me informing the name was against the rules. He then renamed me to "B.E.R.T.H.A"


Excerpt Rule 1:

Admins can and will mute you from a specific chat or all (ic, ooc etc) if you are being hostile, spammy or whatever the case may be.

I then retaliate by explaining the two were completely different, to which he threatens to disable OOC once again.


Excerpt Rule 10:

If there’s a problem, let the staff know in a reasonable and mature fashion.

PM to-W3bster: Blowjob-bot.


Excerpt Rule 10:

There is no need to complain in Out of Character, spread rumors, start politics or otherwise degenerate the situation.

OOC: Skarrj: Does anyone think the name "Hookerbot" constituates ERP?

OOC: Skarrj: PM from-Trial AdminW3bster: Hi! Just a quick notice. Such a name is against our rules.#


Webster was correctly enforcing the rules, and as such, this is an invalid complaint as complaints cannot be made against admins who are enforcing the rules.


Next time, listen to the admin when they're instructing you about the rules.


Complaint Closed


As an additional note, you currently have a job-ban from therapist for the following reason:

"Repeated creepyness. Asking to be "The rapist", and not taking no for an answer."


I recently unbanned you myself based on an appeal for the following offense:

"Jokes about anal rape aren't appreciated."

In your appeal you stated:

My intentions were just to do a funny, comedic character. I'm really sorry if anyone took it the wrong way, that wasn't my goal in the least and I apologize for it. I will try to not do something like this again in the future.

You haven't lived up to your end of the bargain.


I'm not certain why you find such fulfillment and enjoyment in making sexual references, however our server is not the appropriate environment in which this should be done.


Any further instances of this will result in a permanent ban to which appeals will not be accepted.



M Kenner.


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