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Make puntured lungs less deadly


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I had a puntured lung from standing in a breach for a few seconds and died from the constant suffication damage, and even after I got it fixed I died in a instant, and got cloned and a different breach happened which ruined my lungs in a few seconds and suffered from the constant damage.


Please fix this.


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I think the problem is that punctured lungs are obtained at all. punctured lungs would be quite easy to avoid for any human going into space.

Space isn't as deadly in real life as the media shows it to be. It would make you lose consciousness in 10-30 seconds and make you shit yourself and throw up due to the pressure difference in your digestive system and outside but as long as you get back to normal within a minute there are no lasting effects.


alternatively make players throw up with low pressure (also shit themselves if that gets implemented) it could act as a short stun to top it off.



http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_a ... 70603.html


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I was thinking about this and I have to say: I agree with Streaky, the problem isn't how bad a ruptured lung is, it's how easy they are to get. And further I agree with Grizdale in that a human should probably not rupture a lung in low kpa if they have little to no air in their lungs. But there are times ruptures should be possible. Such as during a High kPa situation or when you are in low kPa with a normal pressure internal filling your lungs.


So I coded this and tested it out and liked it, I will probably submit it for a pull request on the git, but Space needs a reason to be more dangerous if I do, good news is I have a few ideas on how to solve this issue.


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I am correct that space currently is barely cold at all? Because if that was changed, it would make EVA with a space suit far more dangerous and breached would be far colder, giving space heaters a use. Atmos would also benefit greatly as the space loop would work properly,

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I am correct that space currently is barely cold at all? Because if that was changed, it would make EVA with a space suit far more dangerous and breached would be far colder, giving space heaters a use. Atmos would also benefit greatly as the space loop would work properly,


Space shouldn't feel cold (or even act cold), the concept of temperature taught below a university level is an incomplete concept. Temperature is the average energy in the particles of a given area (even this definition is not very complete, but will work for this explanation, a more complete definiton would require the use of the other 'e-word'), and requires particles to interact with one another to transfer this energy. Heating something up is transferring some of your own energy to some other object, which leaves you will less energy, which "cools" you. In a vacuum like space however there are very very few particles to interact with, which means no temperature changes. There are exceptions of course, close by suns will put out a lot of highly energized particles (Photons: visible light, infrared radiation and UV for example); think about how when you sit in the sun you can feel it's warmth, that is the sun's photons hitting you heating you up. Depending on how close to the sun you are, direct UV irradiation, as you would get in space which lacks atmosphere to reduce the sun's particle intensity, can give you one hell of a sunburn for example.


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Yeah problem is you get fucked lungs to easily, from broken ribs or decompresses - also, can't you live with a single lung anyway? Do we even have two seperate lungs in this game?


And I thought space was cold because you lost energy from infra-red radiation


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Do we even have two seperate lungs in this game?


And I thought space was cold because you lost energy from infra-red radiation

No to the rib thing.


You do lose some when you give off infra-red radiation, but assuming you are even remotely close (as in close in space-terms) to a star you are going to gain more than you lose.


Yes, I understand that temp in space is highly complex, just in-game it is far simpler to just have it nice and damn cold.

Maybe it was once upon a time, but not anymore. The atmo-code ZAS is very embedded in the code and is based around realistic simulation, making space react as if it were cold would not be easy to do robustly.


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Hrm.. I have to agree with all of you, but realistically, if you were outerspace and you were subjected to well.. space immediately. For instance, you are in a pressurized room and suddenly you open the airlock. Of course the pressure inside your body or air would be immediately sucked out violently rupturing your lungs or breaking your chest.

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... air would be immediately sucked out violently rupturing your lungs or breaking your chest.


No, because it will take the easiest route out of your body, which is up your windpipe and out of your mouth/nose. Only if it couldn't get out that way would it expand and start doing internal damage.


However, you have dissolved gases in your blood which don't have a way to get out and so would expand into bubbles. It's called decompression sickness (aka the bends) and is why deep sea divers come up slowly


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