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Getting Buff


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As before the rollback I suggested upon the introduction of a new game mechanic , getting a temporary buff via a certain fitness machine that would either give you increased strenght for a while, speed , vitality or others depending on the type of machine used.


This could be used to help some people be more robust, like officers with the recent nerfs, engineers be faster in their clunky hardsuits (albeit for a slow time) and give prostethic limbs a certain little buff so they don't remain in the dark but won't benefit from the certain machine that affects the area , like you won't be able to gain more speed by using the treadmill if you have prostethic legs, a mechanical hearth, mech organs , prosthetic arms and so on.


More importantly, fitness activities could be used to also loose fat , create competitions , give players something to do in the holodeck (where we could place the new room, that or near the boxing ring, we still have a basketball court mind you). The buffs however will be merely temporary, also giving a little drawback to them after it wears off, for a short time (2-3 minutes compared to the 10-20 minutes of the buff) , in which you won't be able to use the machines again and you will be weaker in the certain area of use.


However some races won't be able to benefit from these , like IPC, Diona , Plasmen , Skellingtons due to lack of muscle (one is a machine , the other is a damn plant , the other 2 are skelletons), but that could be probably ignored with some other fluff.


TL;DR: Get buff, get advantages for a while (albeit with some drawbacks after the burnout), be better, GET MAD, BURN DOWN THE STATION.


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Why not create a gym so people can lift weights

Cure depression

Lose weight

Get rid of addiction

Get stronger

Get faster


This would be a great thing for security to work on, although I think it would need sprites such as bigger muscles and such. You could also make it that if you do not work out at all such as, taking a break to work out or do whatever, you will get skinny and weak. Fragile rather.


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