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Foxes more fox like


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Recently played as Renault and thought "this is completely unlike an actual fox"

I've been planning on getting a pet fox so I've been looking at a lot of stuff about foxes, what they eat, what they do, what are legal in my state and how to get a permit for one, so I'm gonna run down what I find inbox like for paracode foxes

1. Paracode Foxes are too slow, a true fox would be at least slightly faster than normal human running speed but slower than meth speed

2. Foxes in paracode can't pick up anything in mouth, they should at least be able to pick up tiny items or eggs like they do irl

3. Foxes in paracode don't make fox noises well, I suggest taking some audio from a saveafox video on youtube, I don't think they can trademark or sue for likeness on the sound of a fox

That's all I can think of right now

Your probably thinking "won't 1 and 2 make foxes a pain in the ass", that's the idea, foxes irl are a pain in the ass, that's exactly why I want to adopt one

Its also supposed to make people think " wow the captain can take care of a fox! Wow how responsible and commanding" since foxes irl hardly ever listen to you or try to understand you, they also apparently get into EVERYTHING

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