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Kizarra Xiharro

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Kizarra Xiharro.




25 [Earth years.]










Blood Type:




General Occupational Role(s):


Head of Security.




Kizarra Xiharro was born on Jargon IV, her and her brother being the only surviving children of a nurse and a Skrellian Admiral. The first several years of the Skrellian's life was filled with misery and pain. On one occasion, her father left on a mission to work as a Skrellian emissary. While he was gone, her small home village was invaded by pirates, who slaughtered her mother and beat her brother to a state of near death. The pirates had spared her the same gruesome fate, but she did not escape their wrath. She was kidnapped by the pirates and tortured, beaten, shot, cut, stabbed, and sexually abused. She still bears a large scar across her stomach to this day.


She spent several years of her young life treated this way until, at the age of 12, murdered the pirates when they slept. She stole their ship, which was strewn with their bodies and 'external organs'. She drifted in the husk of a ship until it was discovered by a Skrellian patrol. Her father was immediately notified as she was retrieved.


Shortly after returning to her normal life, she enlisted in the Skrellian Navy at the age of 15. Although she was too young to enlist, her father pulled some strings to allow her to enter prematurely. Kizarra shot up through the ranks at a rapid pace, reaching the rank of Commandant before her 19th birthday. She spent several years back on her home planet training new recruits to fight off threats, so that what happened to her wouldn't repeat itself.


On her 21st birthday, NanoTrasen officials arrived on Jargon IV to recruit young Skrellian cadets into their 'regime', as Kizarra calls it. She signed up after some persistence from her father, and was whisked aboard the N.C.S. Cyberiad. She spends most of her time in her office, or in the bar drinking away the pain of her past life. She seldom speaks about her traumatic past, even to those she trusts most. Her father and brother don't know what took place on that ship. They most likely never will.




Basic military medical training.


Employment Records:


Commandant of the Jargon IV Naval Cadets Training Complex.




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