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Removing Deep Fryer and Cereal Maker and Icecram rework


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Hi, I would like to give a suggestion here: Let's remove Deep Fryer and Cereal maker


What is easy: Chefs got it too simple. They can deep fry and cereal ANYTHING, and it makes anything eatable.this is in my opinion very bad for roleplaying. In the past, cheft had to really try hard for making food for whole station, but now you just throw a few random items like rolling pins or knives and have food for whole station. This removing will support ropleplaying, make chef more popular and more complicated profession. I would also like to have ice cream reworked into actually recipes. Why to press just few buttons and you have food? Let's add some recipes for that to Ice Cream Deluxe Machine, it will support roleplaying too...

What do you guys think about it?


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While I agree that the current food system is rather broken and silly, removing them is not a good thing. I think zomg mentioned some kind of basic "nutrition" system in the works.

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Well, if eating a knife cereal gave you massive internal bleeding it would be fine....


The system of having items displayed on the box is cool, maybe it could be changed to a visual only thing? So you could choose images to display on the box and examining it would tell you what was in the cereal.


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Well it would be a long task to add in special effects to each type of cereal or deep fried item. Fairly sure that creating a list of what you can deep fry and what you cannot won't be hard to create tough (they are probably already bunched together) with some exceptions (deep fry the toddler!).

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I don't have a problem with the deep fryer or the ice cream maker or the cereal maker as is. I make food normally, and sometimes I use deep frying to complement, and sometimes people want ice cream cones. Deep fried grilled cheese sandwiches? Telebacon? sure.


Figgling all of these bits about how chef can make infinite nutriment is pretty pointless cause Chef is entirely a roleplay and miscellaneous job that ultimately doesn't matter unless people make it matter.


And just for reference: I rarely have problems with other people breaking into the ktichen to mess with stuff. Actually, most of the time it does happen I actually talk to the person and try to cook with them, and see what they want to make. It's rather nice and calm, and usually they're pretty reasonable.


It really seems like this thread is more complaining about specific people and specific times rather than mechanics.


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I think in the end that sometimes it can be a little annoying when a chef only deep fries or cereal's stuff, but it is still better than a chef that doesnt even work in the kitchen or do his job. At least something is out on the table for people to eat compared to scrounging around in vending machines. If anything I would say part of the problem is hunger not doing more if left untreated or some other rebalance that would make chef and botany very very necessary positions for the crew not to die. Or cargo constantly ordering pizzas :P

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Problem with having botany/kitchen be vital for the stations survival is if nobody is working there/the rooms are destroyed, everything falls apart. It is very difficult to balance.

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