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Si'Makra Hadar

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Name:Si'Makra Hadar

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Tajaran

Blood Type: O-

General Occupational Role(s): CMO, Surgeon, Xenoarchaeologist, Detective.


Biography: Si'Makra was born on the Tajaran homeworld of Ahdomai, in a small village on the Etari Archipelago, with a brother, same age, named Si'Dakra. Parents known to be village doctors. From the age of sixteen to his nineteenth birthday, he worked with his parents, suturing, healing, and general work around his village. It is unknown, but there may have been a family dispute over what he intended to do. He has refused to speak of his younger life to all but the closest of friends.


At the age of twenty, he left the Etari Arcipelago aboard a small cargo ship, headed for Mi'dynh Al'Manq, the NT-funded city. There he graduated from a local medical school, earning his Bachelors,[Clearance: Security] he was then involved with a violent Tajaran activist group, funded by Nazkiin officials, it is unknown what his role was during this time, as analysis of his fighting skills found him borderline catastrophic (to himself) when in possession of weapons. Twice he was detained for suspicious conduct but not incarcerated due to lack of evidence


After that, his name completely drops out of existence, no census data, no medical examinations, the only report of his existence was a witness claim of a Tajaran matching his description as a attempted mediator in a large-scale bar fight between two Tajaran and three humans, the remaining Tajaran claimed that the three had "insulted our honour", the humans could not provide any information, as they were unconscious at the time, and woke up with acute veisalgia and unable to remember the previous night. The other Tajaran was unable to be located.


[General Clearance] One year later, he appeared on a census record living in the City of Nalyar, working as a Bartender at a large nightclub for Tajaran, named Liq'Quiat. Two months later, he quit his job, the only reason he gave to his boss was "A friend has given this one another chance" [Clearance: Security] His "friend" may have been affiliated with the Syndicate. [General Clearance] He promptly signed up at the closest NanoTrasen Recruitment Office



-Bachelors of Medicine, Bachelors of Surgery

-Amateur Barkeeping

-Archaeological Hobbies


Employment Records:

-Village Doctor

-Tajaran-Rights Activist

-Bartender in the Liq'Quiat


Security Records:

-Accused of Suspicious Conduct, charges dropped.


Medical Records:

-2550: Broken ankle, treated at Mi'dynh Al'Manq General Hospital


-2551: Major lacerations on legs, patient claimed to have "fallen on glass"



Known direct relations are known to be: Si'Dakra Hadar, a brother of a same age. With two living parents, Li'Ana Hadar; his mother, and Mil'Dras Hadar; his father. He has only recently acknowledged his surname, and is believed to have a conflict with his parents, which he admits to very few. Only his brother is currently employed at NanoTrasen, but certain efforts are being made to employ his parents, to help his mental state and productiveness.[WARNING: Command Level Clearance or Higher to Proceed]



After Incident: 0158-A, [REDACTED] has been removed from Si'Makra's memory, it is imperative that this remains so, else he may try to contact [REDACTED] once more. See Incident Addendum for more details



Personnel Photo:ff2bb500b54eda197e7d5250f1852a02.png

A tall, thin, male Tajaran of the Njarir'Akhan ethnicity. At first glance, he seems to be standing at about 6ft 2" with his fur cropped and well maintained, his tail is also well-kept.

His teeth are white, without much sign of yellowing, the only feature you notice is a canine is badly chipped, his eyes are a very dark shade of brown, much darker than the fur that covers his body, his nose practically blends in with his fur, except for a small discolouration at it's base, his hair is long for a male, it is jet black and cropped around his ears and base of his neck.

With his clothes removed, his body is lithe, almost feminine, he has a slight colour gradient on his belly region, that slowly turn paler, there aren't many distinguishable marks or blemishes, except for what seems to have been a cauterised mark that arcs around his abdomen.


Other Notes: He makes a conscious effort not to roll R's, although when alcohol is introduced he tends to lose cohesion in both speaking and walking.


Edited by MindLeaker
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