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Posting this, now that I'm a bit calmed down about it, because I would like to discuss and potentially change the way Mutiny rounds are played out.


Right now, I love the thought that they're an RP-based game mode, and think that having the gamemode be based ENTIRELY around roleplay is a good idea.


What I'm against, however, is that certain objectives give the person following them the objective to kill people.


I consider this to be extremely against the gamemode, given that it's entirely RP based. The few mutiny rounds I've played were fine, given objectives such as "Change all scientists to shaft miners", etc etc. However, the most recent one, it gave a list of people - myself included - and they were instructed to quarantine and kill them after an hour. The quarantine part, I find, is completely fine - But when it starts suggesting they kill them is where I find that it is extremely against the RP nature of Mutiny. In Mutiny, it clearly states that both parties must follow space law - So how is the murder of them following it? Sure, I guess you could say that they're following laws from Central Command, but the point still stands that you're taking somebody OUT of the Roleplay - Which is the entire purpose of the Gamemode.


I get it, that there's only eight or so people they have to quarantine, and they're only allowed to do it after the minute mark - But in the round I played, I was killed, albeit perhaps not intentionally, before the hour, and the objective was still fine. They didn't even think anything of it. The worst part of it is that it was apparently okay, and not even against any kind of rule, which I guess isn't exactly hard to understand.


All I'm saying is that Mutiny should not, under any circumstance, have an objective where someone is given permission to kill - I feel that it ruins the atmosphere of a "Roleplay" round, and even though deaths might happen through the sheer nature of arguments, telling someone explicitly to kill someone else is generally a bad thing to do if you want it to be listed as a roleplaying-based round type.


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I'd disagree. I've been the target of that directive 4 times, and most of them I've had great rounds... I've had the RD (head mutineer) evacuate us onto the research station, I've been broken out of quarantine, I've been killed by the captain in virology, and I've even had to go out and come back just as we were put in the nuke room and gassed (wasn't too impressed at that as I was ssd)


The hour gives plenty of time for the head mutineer to muster up resistance and find some way of keeping you safe, so the potential is there for you to have a great round. But as with any RP based round, almost anything can happen, and sometimes it's going to lead to you having a bad round. Having a bad round is as much a part of ss13 as having an exellent round... and what's a bad round for one will probably be fun for another.


I was online for the round in question, and so know you'd had a bad round just before that, and yeah, 2 bad rounds in a row sucks, but it will happen.... as will 2 excellent rounds. But don't let your frustration with the 2 bad rounds in a row colour your assessment of the round setup... being the target of that directive can lead to excellent rounds too :)


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I can definitely see where you're coming from -


I'm not merely taking the round I had into account. I'm merely stating that with this, both sides have to be doing very good at their job in order for the round to be remotely fun for everyone, instead of just the person getting to do the killing. In my case, the mutineers were wiped out near instantly, and thus only one side got to rampage about.


The hour may give plenty of time, but again, the list was comprised of eight people. During that hour[45 minutes, in my case], I was never told of anything, except to go to Virology because I may be infected with a disease - I was then injected with a thousand million[exaggeration, obviously] units of Radium by an MD who was instructed to do so, and left for dead.


All I'm saying is that in the 4 mutiny rounds I've attended, two of them have had "kill" objectives, and one side completely dominated the other. It's just kind of how Mutiny works, and with a killing objective, it's not a game of "if" - It's a game of when. In the case of this objective as well, the HEAD MUTINEER was also selected to be quarantined and eventually killed as well, which while that might be a bug, still adds onto the whole point that it really shouldn't exist alongside a round based entirely on Roleplay.


The potential is there, but how often is it really going to take effect? How often are both parties going to be completely fine and equal in power to the point where it can be roleplayed out to its fullest? In the four rounds I've been apart of, one side always takes advantage and keeps it throughout the entire shift. That's my entire argument as to why killing objectives should not be a thing, simply because it adds to the massive stress of the round - If it's fun for one side, but not for the other..


I mean, I guess that's the point of antag, but it just doesn't seem right.


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The idea of the mutiny rounds is for unlawful, abhorrent and repulsive commands to be issued. It's what the RP is based upon. All of the mutiny rounds are fairly unpleasant examples of endorsed bigotry, violation of rights and people being pushed too far. As such it requires them to be objectionable, and nothing should be more objectionable than commanding the deaths of crew-members who have done nothing wrong. To provide variety there is a sliding scale of possible mutiny events, with the one you experienced being perhaps the most extreme and others regarding forcible job removal being the least extreme.


Deaths, whether by accident, misadventure or round-type are a part of SS13 gameplay. We do provide respawn options to allow the player to continue in some fashion, but fighting for your character's life is sometimes a part of the high stakes involved in the narrative. While this being done randomly or capriciously is completely prohibited in our server rules, when done in service to the narrative of the round it's completely acceptable.


From the perspective of the mutineers, the loyalists are antagonists and vice versa.


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