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Janitorial Ideas


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I have a couple of ideas for the stations janitor position...


I've recently started playing janitor and I try my hardest to keep the station clean, but it seems all my efforts come to be wasted. I simply cannot keep up with the amount of dirt and blood that is always being spread around. Now normally I just clean until I can't clean no more due to one or more reasons... ( Running out of spray [including the wall refills], no more cleaner grenades, sheer boredom, death, or even being arrested...), but I feel like this shouldn't happen. I know I could always use a mop and bucket, but that just pisses everyone off. So any way one day as I was playing I saw a janitor borg and I immediately got an Idea. The borg reminded me of the janitor cart and I thought "It would be so cool to stand on the back of that and be able to clean just like that." After saying this I thought about the janitor cart. As of right now I see the janitor cart as nothing more then a free ride to just get around on, but what if you were to put scrubbers on it like the Janitor borg has underneath it. This way it cleans up as the user drives. If that's to o.p (pfft...) we could give it a battery life and make the janitor cart have to go back on a charging station similar to the mechs. If that's no good then we could make it have to stand on the tile the user wants to clean for "x" amount of seconds.


[Credit to Innocent Fire for this, thank you]

In addition to that, what if we could get a vacuum system on it? The janitor would click the Janitor cart and a menu would pop up stating weather or not to turn on or off the vacuum. The vacuum would be able to pick up stuff just like the garbage bag can, except instead of clicking the trash, you just have to run over it with the vacuum turned on. Speaking of the garbage bag or trash bag what ever you want to call it, maybe you have to combine the trash bag to the janitor cart for the vacuum system to work. Just take the garbage bag into your active hand and click the cart and a message like "You've attached the garbage bag to the janitor cart!" would appear. Now this would have to emptied when it gets full, just like if the garbage bag you were carrying got full, so all you have to do is get off the janitor cart, click and drag the janitor cart to you and it would give you the garbage bag with all the garbage in it.



Idea #1: Scrubbers on the bottom of the Janitor cart.

Idea #2: Vacuum system on the Janitor cart, Uses the trash bag.


Any way sorry for this long post for a very simple Ideas, I hope it hasn't been mentioned before (I checked around and didn't see anything). If it has I'm sorry also if something like this is already in place again sorry I didn't know about it.


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Yeah, I taught myself to play SS13 with the janitor role (as I think many do) so I always have a soft-spot for our purple-clad heroes. They're given an impossible job and then always blamed when the station ends up a mess. Meanwhile crew just drop things everywhere and do nothing to help out. It's a tough gig.


I love that the system of SS13 is so detailed, that we can have a serious discussion over whether someone's ability to clean can be OP or not. Honestly the janiborg is a little OP in that regard. Still manual labour being eclipsed by modern technology does seem a valid theme to the setting and I'm not entirely sure it's out of place. However janiborgs usually have to spend their time acting as universal door remotes when there's no AI so it does keep them out of the competition half the time.


Weird fact: Holy water doesn't slip, if the chaplain blesses your mop-bucket you can clean slip-free with the power of divine intervention.


One idea I've been toying with that hasn't been cleared yet with everyone else, is the idea of adding an optional job-title for janitor of medical janitor who specifically focuses on keeping the medbay sterile. I think this is something that could be done far better by a human than a bot and would give janitor a more interesting, specific role for RP.


Anyway, we'll take the idea into consideration and see if it's going to be workable for the janitor cart.


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Wait wait wait... if the chaplain blesses my mop-bucket I can clean without having people slip? Does he have to do this every time its out of water or one time per shift?...


As for the Medical Janitor I'm all for that. I think that's also a good idea. Medical doctors 90% (or 30% depending on the doctors) of the time have their hands full with all the bodies that start pouring into med-bay later in the rounds.


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If you manage to get medbay access please take the space cleaner bottles and refill them!

If you want soap security should be able to supply you with the one from perma.


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