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I was banned from command positions, and that is actually helping my mental health.


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I was the HOP, spawned as traitor, asked to not be traitor, became normal. I did my job fairly well from there, doing paperwork, communicating with the other heads about job transfers and the like, and, wanting to explore the HOP job a little more (I don't regularly play HOP, hell, I just learned that round how to make an announcement from the command offices from another player), I learned how to increase job positions at the ID console and eventually turned the job openings for the Clown and Mime positions to 5 each (thinking that number would be a good stopping point and because I had seen multiple clowns on station before in other rounds), because I wanted them, and I was thinking that it would be both harmless and fun to have more entertainers aboard the station (which eventually it was for me and the clown posse).

The captain (Brooke Straub) got pissed and fired me (no surprise there, she kinda had a stick up her ass), I turned in all my HOP stuff to her, even my ID, and began wandering around as a jobless, ID-less civvie.

I wasted a bit of time wandering around upgrading cameras with analyzers in key spots, then started to laze about, it's then I hear something a bit strange, the captain announced that I had opened it up to 10 clown positions very recently and that I had done so with a supposed all-access ID (even calling me a piece of shit, because sure, why not at this point?), which of course, I did not have. I didn't have ANY ID on my person. For all her complaining about me not following procedure(s), she herself didn't do the demotion right, but that's irrelevant... Maybe.

Anyways, captain calls for my arrest, I get arrested by the HOS at the bridge hallway where I stuck around after the cap's announcement, and I get checked for the supposed all-access ID and any contraband at processing. Of course of which there is none. I get let go and head back towards the bridge hallway.

I got a bwoink somewhere before or around getting arrested (I think) and started juggling between answering them and the security team (I think).

fruerlund was contacting me about my affairs, having noted that opened ten slots for clowns. I corrected this number. From there s/he asked why I had done it, to which I answer bluntly, that I had wanted more clowns and mimes. S/he then asked where I got the notion that this was allowed, to which I responded something like: "where is it that it is forbidden?"

I received no answer to that, though I admit that it probably is somewhere in the SOP guidelines, I haven't really checked, though I do get the gist of the job.

Next thing I hear is that I've played 525 hours or so on here. That was an eye-opener.

Using this amount of playtime as justice to ban me from the command positions, stating in there that I should know better by now. I felt a bit bitter at the fact that there was no real dialogue about my actions and intentions, no interest in making me learn WHY what I did was wrong. Perhaps s/he was really busy? Probably not, I think I remember there was still some time left in the round. Maybe the captain and admin were one and the same? I don't know.

So I continue the round for just a little longer, bearing witness to the little shenanigans from a pair of clowns. It brought me joy to see it, before I headed to cryosleep to end the round for me.

I haven't really played the command positions that much so the job bans won't REALLY affect me, as I think I still have quite a ways before I would be confident to take the positions. But the main thing is that learning I've spent that much time in recent months playing this game makes me realize I sorely need to cut back on my playtime, since I have admitted to myself I play this too much anyways. I'll be trying to get to my other hobbies and get fulfilled that way, rather than sink lots of my precious time into this game.

The last things are that I don't regret my actions, as nobody has explained to me the logic or rule as to why having multiple clowns and/or mimes is really a firable/bannable offense, and while I don't hate fruerlund for the ban, I think it was a little bit much to ban me anyways, seeing as I got my butt fired from the job in the first place, and that they need to have a little more patience and understanding when dealing with such a conflict. Otherwise people might just not learn their lesson.

Oh, and the ban is to be lifted by request, which I will not be doing. I don't really care to, and because a part of me thinks I didn't do as much wrong to deserve it.

Thank you for your time reading this.

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Hello and thank you for the complaint. I will not be handling it, but I will explain my actions briefly.

First of all I was contacted by a fellow administrator PurpleGenie, who informed me that he was occupied and involved IC'ly in the above stated affairs, and if I had time to handle it too which I replied yes. At the time I was playing as a Security Officer and occupied in the round myself, but was able to aghost out of my character for the duration of the conversation. Myself and PurpleGenie were the administrators online at the time. 

I bwoinked you asking for you to explain your actions, where your replies indicated that you weren't aware what you were doing was wrong. The station at the time was dealing with traitors and syndicates and was in no state to deal with 10 clowns / mimes. As you've said yourself you replied with "Where is that forbidden" which to means, that you haven't read our rules thoroughly enough. Normally players with high amount of hours are the players who are most aware of our rules(as expected) because they have played so many shifts and a majority of them know well enough, that opening such a high amount of clown slots will lead to a jobban / termination.

The reason for your jobban was a violation of rule #5. "Choosing a Head of Staff role (such as Chief Medical Officer) means you will be expected to play to a higher standard of roleplay, seriousness and competence. You may be Jobbaned from Command if you fail to meet these standards, or if you ignore your duties;"

Which means we expect command staff to play their character serious and with competence, which you were doing great until that point. My guess is that you eventually got bored and decided to "meme" a bit. (This is my own interpretation and I may be very wrong) however, this doesn't have any influence in this ban whatsover.

Looking back this could've been solved IC'ly with a Central Command announcement terminating your employment, however due to being one of the two administrators online, and occupied with other things I concluded that a ban was a better punishment.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty then, sorry with the amount of time I have taken to get to this but I will be looking into this complaint.

From what I see here, Fruerlund didn't do anything wrong in this case, it is very clearly stated in the rules that choosing a head of staff role means you are held to a higher standard compared to most other players on station, while I do agree that it could of been dealt with in a more IC manner I also do see the reasoning behind the ban as well because 90% of the time when you do add extra clowns slots, it causes plenty of trouble for security and for administration as clown gangs tend to go around breaking the rules instead of making things fun for others and I personally think it will be an easy one to appeal if/when you do make an appeal for this.

Complaint without merit, if you want to bring anything else to the table in the next 48 hours, please do so, otherwise this complaint will be filed.

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