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PPI small complaint


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I was hitting a changeling monkey in the incinerator because I was waiting for someone else to arrive to help me turn it on, and PPI admin pm'd me "he's dead jim" probably because he was tired of seeing attack logged spam by me hitting the changeling monkey.


But PPI lied, the changeling was not dead and almost escaped again.


I do not appreciate admin interfering with round like this, especially with a lie.


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You do realise that changelings can heal theirselves with regenerative stasis, right? that is, if they die but the body is in one piece (head still attacked to torso, limbs are irrelevant) they can completely heal of all wounds with 2 minutes in stasis, bringing them back from the dead.


As for PPI, he is a fresh admin, and you need to understand that the new spam he has in form of attack logs easily fills 40% of his chatbox. To help you make an idea, this is more or less what admins see when you beat a monkey:


ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)

ADMIN: George Melons(Player1) has attacked monkey (243)(player2) with stunbaton (INTENT:HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)(JMP)


And guess how the attack logs looks like with 60 players?

Sometimes people try to keep down a changeling by hitting him in 5 security officers....for over 10 minutes.... trying to behead a monkey with stunbatons.....

We also get logs from people breaking windows (as they may cause breaches), people using the Particle Accelerator, doctors injecting medicines into patients, borgs being locked down,people sharing the same IP because they are siblings, the deadchat, all the LOOC in the world and many more...


Oh and did i mention that we currently have no way of turning the adminlogs off? the only way is de-admining.


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Well adr has depicted the life of an admin and the logs pretty well. Anyway as adr said they can easily heal and get back up after a couple of minutes. Most people opt to take the monkey to the crematorium or knock off its head. If you knew he was a ling then I imagine you knew they don't die like the rest of us.


With all the attack logs it can be hard to differentiate who is just killing a monkey "Cause I can" or actually beating a ling to death so its an easy mistake to make. I understand it probably annoyed you but these things happen and its only a game and its only one round as well so I'm sure you can live with it.


If you wish to respond I'll leave it open a day longer.


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It was just a little complaint, it doesn't bother me that much. I just felt this was not the instant for an admin to PM, or at least maybe a more constructive PM, instead of what at least initially came off as a lie, that's all.


More just for the future, not trying to get anyone in trouble.


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