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Brains, pets, 'n cloning


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I think the ability to debrain creatures would be neat, doubly so if you could stuff an assistant's brain back in.

I'd like to be able clone certain creatures in the genetics scanner, as long as they have a ckey, like corgi puppis and xenomorphs and goats and spess carp n' spiders 'n stuff.

The result could have the ability to speak/understand common (If the brain originated from a human mob) and might need a textual reminder that they're still technically not an antag?

Maybe dexterity gets added for select creatures too?


I'd turn the mime into a xenomorph, stuff the captain into the goat, and clone a xenomorph back to life in a clown body.


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Might lead people to play pets more often and therefore may lead to their revival... As neat as it sounds it could be used for bad things.. then again stuffing the clowns brain into Ian and viceversa would be nice.

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Well, if someone joined as an npc from ghost, and someone else de-brained that pet and put it in an assistant, then since the brain didn't originate from a human mob; barking assistant.

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