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Late introduction!


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Hi! I'm Hylocereus, also known as Hylo on discord. I have a tendancy to do dumb shit while playing on 2 hours of sleep and consistently dissapointing everyone who relies on me. I roll antag a lot and usually make a nuisance of myself rather than greentext. Despite being pretty average in the robustness department I tend to get insanely lucky or unlucky in the oddest situations. I've actually been on para for over a year now, but I've always sort of lurked oocly and never bothered to get involved with the community much.

ICly it's a bit different as I play that irritating bucket of issues known as Sam Aria, who you'll probably have run into at least once gettin' muh snewflek on, being the world's wimpiest antag, complaining about incompetent chemists and getting into hilariously bad situations due to a desire to be reasonable overwhelming any kind of robustness. I also play a vox with a ridiculous name, a catbeast and a few less edgy characters, but only sparsely when I feel like being anonymous.

Engineering is witchcraft to me so you'll see me in any department except for that one on my various characters, though I usually play medical or security on my main.

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Hey nerd, Maya here. Good to see you on the forums. Enjoy your stay, and remember: your opinion doesn't matter, salt goes best with cheese, and the proper response to anyone who wants to nerf something is "git gudder".

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