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Make RP-Failure as a Mindslave Automatically Bannable

Urlance Woolsbane

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First, a bit of backstory. Recently, I accidentally ruined Jayfeather's round. He wololoed me, then, when it wore off, I missed the fine print that said "You've forgotten the past ten minutes."

Now, in fairness to me, it was quite hectic and that bit was in a different font than the main warning. I did wonder if I should forget what happened, and checked the wiki, only to find no info on the Wololo Staff. I thus assumed it worked like a normal mindslave, which, as far as I knew, didn't get amnesia. But that doesn't change the fact that I ruined his round.


Anyhow, I know the pain of a mindslave gone wrong, and I think it would be eminently reasonable to attach an automatic penalty to failing to play by the rules. Obviously, one currently exists, but intent is taken into account. I'd argue it shouldn't. If nothing else, it's incredibly easy for folks to lie, especially about passive resistance. The ban shouldn't be terribly long: Probably 1 day for the first offense, with a week or more for each repeat.

This way, players would be far more compelled to cooperate with their masters. No playing dumb, etc.

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If we made a rule that we enforce in a way that does not take the intent in question, this'd mean in your case, you would have been banned too. Making another rule for something wouldn't neccessarily make people follow it, and blind enforcement is not unfortunately going to really work, as it usually does not. There's a possibilty of lie in every talk about a rulebreak, in some cases, someone might be good enough of liar to get away with it. Usually, if they repeat their mistakes, they won't get away with it by lying.

Edited by saywat_the_15th
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Choosing the option to mindslave someone or use the Wololo staff comes with the risk that your slaves won't or can't do what you tell them. Everyone who picks these items knows that.

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