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Posts posted by Chldnr


    I have mixed feeling on this event. I feel like it would be a very interesting round. At first I thought less departments would get less love, but the more I thought, the more I figured almost all departments would be loved.


    Cargo would have to order guns, armor for the crew.


    Engineering would setup defenses, emitters against the zombies, shield generators. Stuff like that.


    Medical would be doing medical stuff, trying to identify infected


    Security would be killing zombies and doing sec stuff.


    Research would make more guns.



    The only problem I see is that the AI could vent plasma everywhere and kill all the zombies like that. Or Just vent all the zombies into space. Also how would zombies kill Cyborgs? If they can't get infected why would they just make almost everyone into robots.



    And then people bitch about it being too hard.


    Let them. They will learn in time. It will get rid of the weak and leave only the true dwarves. Kinda like when I have a bunch of traps for migrants, only the strong ones live.



    What it's like when shit hits the fan and mining goes to live on the asteroid. tumblr_inline_mgmnzsM5Xw1qmyknm.gif


    What it's like play IAA. 1343801514586.gif


    Playing sec and someone teleports in front of you while you have your stun baton out. tumblr_n5fr1x4zE31r3zqkso1_250.gif


    This last one is not a gif but I think it sums up what it is like when I play bartender. ahHc5.jpg



    Dwarf fortress. Free but still in an alpha stage of dev.

    Before anyone bitches about "its hard!!!!!1!!1" grab the starter pack of the subreddit sidebar and read the wiki.

    Also, read the story of Roomcarnage. Chapter twenty two has just been released.

    http://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/c ... d_glacier/


    N,o lies, this is not how you do it. Be like me and the cool kids. Learn it all from scratch. no messing around with texture packs. Just go all in.



    Granted, but Qinetix turns them all into cat girls


    I wish people wouldn't log out/respawn after losing their heads, so when I go to the trouble of getting them a new body, attaching their head to it and cloning them it feels worthwhile instead of a waste of time


    You're saying I would not be okay with that?


    Granted, but they are all incompetent and would be better left dead.


    I wish virology would do their jobs half the time.



    I'm in love with Sins. It's an amazing game.


    Honestly a really good game is play is, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. It's an awesome and complex game that will mind fuck you in many way.


    If you're looking for a challenge, Touhou is an amazing game series that is difficult as all hell.

    Just look at the screen shots. 1191850978829.jpg



    I wish security would worry about the real issues, like the dying captain, and not somebody with a tool belt.


    Granted. BUT security is only one person.


    I wish I could draw cute anime girls all around the station.



    David Buck:


    Improper use of a fire axe

    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Theft of fire axe

    Mass murder

    Disobeyed superiors orders


    Improper conduct

    Mass murder

    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Swearing at a superior

    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Improper use of a fire axe


    Disobeyed superiors orders

    Improper conduct

    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Mass murder

    Improper use of a fire axe

    Improper conduct

    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Swearing at a superior

    Improper conduct

    Mass murder

    Disobeyed superiors orders

    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Theft of fire axe


    Improper conduct

    Disobeyed superiors orders


    Destruction of station's synthetic units

    Swearing at a superior

    Mass murder

    Disobeyed superiors orders


    You forgot helping to incite rebellion.



    Something that really pisses me off, is when janitors just try and slip people. It's so stupid. I'm running to bridge to get a death implant and a janitor slips me and tries to steal my shit.


    Don't even get me started when people try and destroy the station by blowing up the SM or releasing the singularity.



    I'm not sure if this is the correct section to post this but I just would like to share the knowledge of this wonderful round.


    This Story is wrote in a first person view of my accounts as chief engineer.

    The story was pretty simple I was the chief engineer and just trying to be a good CE. I gained a good standing with the rest of the crew and all is well. So the round is going on as normal. Until the singularity is released and everyone starts panicking. But the station was super lucky and did not destroy all that much. But still I had to make a public announcement saying how I was sorry for the singularity and we are working on a fix. During this, the RD leader starts try to incite a riot. Engi is getting pretty mad and starts siding with the RD. They start making bombs, preparing defenses. I decide to roll with it. Except I preform some double agent James bond stuff. Giving info to the command to think I'm on their side but I was just using it to gain their trust. The round goes for a while and engi is still preparing for war. I notice a security officer is coming and stalking us. So I walk up to her with a stun rod out.

    She lashes the out and almost kills me and the rest of my crew. I still have a few guy outside in atmos so I command one of them to cut all the air. Everyone except for me and the security guards have internals. So I think I just sacrificed myself. Until I found out they never cuffed me, so I break free of the chair hey buckled me into and start running. Quickly I pass out from lack of oxygen, a little outside my office. Another engineer starts dragging me. He takes me outside of engineering until a security guard comes up to my body. At this point I'm thinking "I'm dead, I'm done for. He is going to arrest me or take me to medical then arrest me" but no. He takes me to medical, heals me and let's me go. Not even a warning. I'm not sure if he was stupid or was on engi's side in this. So little things happen, we mainly try and fix stuff because everything is broken. When I pull out the big guns. I declare the independence of engineering from the station separate. As soon as I make the announcements, command, flips out, screaming how I'm a traitor and all ties will engineering was cut.

    After a little while they start sending orbital missiles towards engineering. I was the only one left that I know of at this point and I was scared! I make speeches to the entire station while everything around me is getting blown up. I make my final speech when I see an announcement. "Locking onto CE" 99.99% chance for impact" With a single tear in my eye. I accept my fate and get blown up right after I make a last word. So ends the story of engineering's rebellion.


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