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Posts posted by mrbits

  1. 2. Playing the Detective, I'd been tasked with keeping the CMO safe from a traitor AI. It was a very tense round as the AI's malevolent cyborgs searched for the CMO.

    The cyborg players had been ordered to kill their target subtly and with no surviving witnesses - and they played along instead of murderboning everything - so it became this fun manhunt where we had to exploit the borgs' weaknesses (as neither of us had the firepower to take them on.) Between hiding in lockers, dressing in disguises, disabling cameras, feigning death with a bodybag and making a dramatic disposal chute escape, it was one of the most fun rounds I'd ever played.


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  2. 3 hours ago, MarsMond said:

    We did switch to a new system, which was only able to track from the time it got merged, which was basically at the beginning of this year. It was kept on track only for a while, and was enabled to restrict some time ago. So in a way, it did reset inactive players, if you had played for some rounds this year, you wouldn't have get blocked. Afraid the only way to get the jobs back would be to play again. All the data is linked to your Ckey, so it doesn't matter what IP/computer you use, as long as you use the same Byond account.

    Ahh, heck. Alright then, good to know.


  3. Hoi,

    I hopped on the server earlier today and discovered very few roles were available to me: The grand majority have been locked out behind time walls (5 hours played before you can select Doctor, 10 hours for Security, etc.)

    Has something happened recently that would cause my play time to reset, re-enabling these lockouts? I still have my ENORMOUS HEAP OF KARMA and my presets display preferred jobs currently locked. Perhaps related, but I'm using my machine on a new IP for a few weeks: Would that affect how the server determines how many hours I've clocked?



    When a crook goes SSD, I process them as though they were still in-game. Search their shit, put their non-contraband in the locker, set the timer, boom done.


    It's technically a violation of the rules regarding SSD players, but I'd argue that - since they still "have" their gear and haven't been murderized - the spirit of the SSD server rule is preserved. No one gets abused, no one gets killed and NO ONE ESCAPES THE LAW.



    I don't even know why I'm replying to this thread at this point, but it's such a joke over on the CM chat side that it blew my mind.

    Why ARE you posting here? I mean, aside from constantly reminding everyone about the Colonial Marines sever and that you're an admin on it.



    I'm not one for Drama, but god fucking damn reddit is very accurate with the competency of some of the people here.

    r/ss13 has grown strangely quiet bout this. Guess they're sitting this one out till the end result, or lack thereof.

    That's fine. Either the name ban will be removed and the subreddit will explode about Fox McCloud, OR the ban will stick and people will talk about Fox McCloud and how TEH DAMAGE IS ALREADY DONE.


    In conclusion: Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud Fox McCloud



    A name is just a name: It doesn't control your roleplaying unless you allow it. I don't care how many Walter Whites or Gandalf the Grays or other colourful alliterations are on the station, as long as people are acting in character. Space is a crazy place, there's all kinds of names!


    Trying to enforce a hard name rule is a lot of administrator work for little payoff. Even if the team somehow created an objective list of all acceptable names - that is to say, names which aren't in media OR are in media but aren't "popular enough to count" - the list would be monstrously long, creating a Byzantine task for whichever poor frigger is on name duty.


    The crime is in the action, not the name! Allow all names! Be free, admins! Free yourselves of this fruitless burden!


    (Disclaimer: The above opinion regards non-offensive names, obviously. Don't be That Guy.)



    Sec chasing antags: It's on sec if it's for something stupid, but we had a large string of (usually science, ofc) players resisting arrest repeatedly and running huge manhunts that escalate each time, with security believing they may very well be an antag. We won't be banning you for stealing the laser pointer if all of sec decide to ignore the nuke ops because of that!

    Humm. I don't agree with this sort of behavior being controlled by server rules (until it rolls into self-antagging territory) and feel it is the challenge/ responsibility of Security to efficiently deal with troublemakers.


    But! If it's a regular enough problem, then maybe it's worth a rule after all. I guess we'll see!



    Actively diverting Security personnel and resources away from an active and direct Antagonist threat in order to deal with you and your actions will be considered Self-Antagging

    I feel this should fall under the responsibilities of playing an effective Security officer, instead of being a server rule. Security players need to prioritize stopping the Nuke Ops over searching for the Librarian's stolen laser pointer.


    I get that the refined rules are to clear up misunderstandings and that's good, but I worry rules like this one shift responsibility away from the guilty party (ex.: Security conducting a station-wide clown hunt during a Blob attack) and onto people who may not even be aware they're diverting security personnel (ex.: Guy who found a gun in the hallway.)



    This is a heads-up to the Paradise Station team, in case they weren't already aware:


    A new(?) ban evasion tool called RShoe94 has shown up, which - exactly as it says - allows a user to rejoin SS13 servers they have been banned from. I'm not code-savvy enough to know how it works, but it does appear to get results when used.



    But yeah I could join for a moment as stealthmin few days ago, and i saw a changeling chased and lynched mercylessly by like 12 guys (including security, medical staff and civilians) just because they misslicked and extended the armblade. It's indeed a strong evidence, but he didn't even attack anybody, and just got hunted down by a bloodthirsty mob, they coordinated without a word to stop the changeling like they were in a fucking hivemind or something, one of the doctors even ran in front of the changeling (with a fucking armblade out, again) to block a door he was trying to go through. So much for immurshium or anything. I was not amused.

    That really sucks, for sure. Something that ALSO sucks is having to feign ignorance for like the 100th time after seeing a creature monster thing whip its mandible out and go blargle blargle.


    Anecdote time! While playing security and working with the detective to solve a murder, I was in a room with the roboticist and 2 other scientists. The roboticist was a Changeling, and while I was questioning the scientists, the Changeling was constantly cryo-stinging us. Stinging and stinging, over and over and over. "Gee, it sure is cold in here!" said one scientist, before freezing to death. The second investigated his fallen friend and proclaimed "why is it so cold? Oh well." Understanding what was going on, I asked the roboticist if he felt cold as well. His reply was to continue stinging us, not saying a word. I bapped the roboticist with my stun baton a few times before dying, and was called a powergamer in LOOC for my meta-knowledge of Changelings.


    In conclusion: I see regular requests for interesting performances from the non-antag plebs in rounds where said plebs encounter crazy antag shit. But, in my experiences on SS13, I seldom (if ever!) see the same demands made of antags.


    Also: My security officers and detectives always drink coffee now. Hot, black coffee. For roleplay reasons. Keeps them alert during the shift.



    The clarification of laws and standard operating procedure looks good, I like it.


    My only concern/ complaint is that a prisoner's sentence begins counting down as soon as they are brought to their cell instead of once they are securely put away. Specifically, I'm worried about how it interacts with Code 101 - Resisting Arrest. If a person can only be charged for a 101 once per arrest, then they have no reason to stop resisting once they've been brought to their cell: Their timer will continue to count while they keep dicking around.


    Perhaps a note or clarification could be added to Code 101 stating that prisoners actively resisting during the brig phase have their timers reset upon being locked up? I know there's a note about adjusting a felon's timer after being properly put away ("Modify their brig sentence for additional offences or good behavior, if applicable.") but I feel this sort of thing can/will end up being a semi-regular occurrence. Or not. Who knows, we'll see.

    Neeevermind! I see now that there is an "Escape from Brig" modifier which resets the prisoner's timer. I think this is sufficient to discourage a prisoner from being a pain in the ass.



    The clarification of laws and standard operating procedure looks good, I like it.


    My only concern/ complaint is that a prisoner's sentence begins counting down as soon as they are brought to their cell instead of once they are securely put away. Specifically, I'm worried about how it interacts with Code 101 - Resisting Arrest. If a person can only be charged for a 101 once per arrest, then they have no reason to stop resisting once they've been brought to their cell: Their timer will continue to count while they keep dicking around.


    Perhaps a note or clarification could be added to Code 101 stating that prisoners actively resisting during the brig phase have their timers reset upon being locked up? I know there's a note about adjusting a felon's timer after being properly put away ("Modify their brig sentence for additional offences or good behavior, if applicable.") but I feel this sort of thing can/will end up being a semi-regular occurrence. Or not. Who knows, we'll see.



    Once during the Bad Old Days of my tabletop group, our party was on the way back to town with an old relic we pried from a group of raiding lizardmen, eager to collect the large gold reward promised us. During the night one of the party's badass lone wolf assassins - lets call him Twiddle-Dee - was awoken by the party's OTHER badass lone wolf assassin - he'll be Twiddle-Dumbass.


    Also yes, our group WAS choked with edgy loners and so on. I DID say this was the Bad Old Days of my group.


    Anyhow. Twiddle-Dumbass had a simple proposition for Twiddle-Dee: "The reward for returning the relic will split much better 4 ways than 6 ways, and we can get rid of our goody-goody sorcerer and paladin." After a moment's consideration and collective groans of "not THIS shit again..." from the rest of the players at the table, Twiddle-Dee agreed to the plan and they set about thinning the ranks.


    Twiddle-Dumbass passed his Stealth roll marvellously and, using his Sneak Attack damage, silently dispatched the elf Sorcerer on watch with a single strike. Twiddle-Dumbass then glanced over to see how Twiddle-Dee was doing with the sleeping dwarf Paladin they'd agreed to kill... Only to see that Dee had instead chosen to wake the Paladin and point out Twiddle-Dumbass' misdeeds.


    A violent bout of smiting later and Twiddle-Dumbass was right: With the party down a sorcerer and an assassin, that reward DID split much more favourably.



    re: removing forcing someone to walk mode, you can just toggle it off.

    While this is certainly true, I think there's still room for abuse - repeatedly Aiming at someone to keep them toggling walk/run so you can catch up in a chase, for example.


    Related: The force-your-target-to-walk thing about Aim Mode always struck me as strange. It'd be akin to being able to toggle someone to help intent by saying "help me!" or setting someone's energy gun from kill to stun by screaming "mercy!"



    I can attest to being forcefully implanted as a Changeling, as I was overpowered, captured and then implanted. So, if anyone was somehow confused as to how you could get loyalty implanted as a Changeling, there you go.


    Related: The round that I got loyalty implanted the Captain demanded I tell him the names of my Changeling allies, and I did: Mr. Rho, Mr. Sigma and Ms. Omega. We Changelings did not share our identities with each-other, so I the player could not truthfully give the Captain the information he was looking for, even if I wanted to (which I did since lol friendchip is magic.)


    A Changeling ratting out its allies is not a symptom of a broken system: It is a symptom of sloppy Changelings. Just like the admins don't refund telecrystals for bad traitor items or blood for bad vampire upgrades, I don't think they should squash loyalty implants to accommodate bad Changeling play.



    The only people who want insta-stun weapons* are the people wielding them at any given time: As soon as they're out of your hands and in the hands of your enemy, they're The Worst Thing Ever.


    There are definitely problems with the pain system, especially when it comes to painkillers, but I'd rather see effort made to balance this system instead of reverting to the old insta-stun system. I know balancing things takes time and isn't easy, but at the end of the day it'd better to aim for something good than settle for something bad.


    (Aside: I think it's cool that painkillers can help you resist pain damage, but clearly it needs addressing for balance reasons.)


    Insta-stun can be lauded as making security's job easier, but at the end of the day no one likes being on the receiving end of a 1-hit KO.


    *I don't actually think everyone in the world feels this way - I'm just using it as an expression to make my point. Please don't flood the thread with "well I like X because being the edge case is cool" replies



    I made a suggestion like this which can be found here:



    It's a very similar idea except without the need of special equipment which may end up getting abused, nor does it blur the line between the officer's duty as a guard and their supposed new mini-duty as a doctor/engineer/whatever.


    Also, there really shouldn't be a karma cost in my opinion - this sort of position is less about having special perks on Paradise and more about security being better set up at the start of a game to actually do their job properly.


    Other servers have done the department security officer thing pretty well and (from what I've seen) it doesn't lead to extra abuse, since there's barely any new items added to the mix and the officers assigned to these departments only have the power to open some doors - they CANNOT operate any machines or unlock any lockers to take insulated gloves, medicine, research supplies, etc.





    On several other servers I've played on there have been small security offices found inside each department. Each office has a desk, filing cabinet, locker with some basic gear, a security terminal, a camera terminal that links into the cameras of the given department (medical, engineering, etc.) and a charger for tasers, batons, etc. Oh! And a book on Space Law.


    Furthermore on these servers, one security officer is randomly assigned to each of these departments at the start of the round. They spawn with the appropriate department armband on their uniform (R&D, Supply, etc.) and their IDs are tweaked to allow them access to the department's DOORS - they don't have clearance to use the machines or unlock the lockers in the department. Also, if a new security guard joins the round and a department doesn't have an assigned guard, that guard would be assigned to that position with all the tweaks as if they had spawned in at the start of the round.


    I feel the danger of people breaking into the security offices to steal gear is mitigated by putting that gear in lockers, and the minor increase in clearance for a few officers shouldn't provide too much room for new abuse (and having the department assignments be random prevents dedicated troublemakers from picking which department they want to terrorize.)


    We already have a similar office in the Medbay where a dedicated officer can sneak in to steal pills be on-hand to deal with violent patients: It would be cool to have dedicated officers in other areas to respond to saboteurs, space carp, intruders and the clown.


    This sort of change would require some coding and likely some mid-major remapping to fit these little offices in, but I think they'd make a great addition!



    I absolutely cannot stand when Medbay goes dark, gets covered in blood and dirt and shit, busted lights everywhere, and not a single damn janitor or engineer comes to clean up or fix the place.

    Related: I hate when - while playing the janitor - I can't get into the Medbay to clean the place up. The HoP doesn't give me access, the doctors on staff don't open the door for me (and even if they do they'd need to follow me around and open every other door I come across) and if/when I sneak in I get flashed and tossed out for trespassing.


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