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Posts posted by mbreton101

  1. I believe that high-risk Items should bring 3 different elements to the round

    1. Provide something mechanically unique to round start, that shouldn't be accessible to normal crew. (aka an item that cant be replicated or substituted)
    Failing items include: Captain's Rapier, Medal of Captaincy, Classified Documents and Engraved Knuckleduster

    2.  Give's either a unique playstyle or a benefit only accessible to the Head of the department when compared to others in the same department.
    Failing items Include: Engraved Knuckleduster, Classified Documents and maybe Reactive Armor, Advanced Hypo-spray, Advanced Magboots

    3. Makes logical sense for the Head of department to use in every day working environments.

    Failing item: Engraved Knuckleduster.

    Failings of the Knuckledusters
    The Engraved Knuckleduster fails all my requirements for an effective High-risk item, it doesn't add anything unique to the QM playstyle that cant be replicated with easily created items from an auto lathe. Logically speaking, i don't know why NT would care so much about a set of Engraved Knuckleduster, that if stolen you would be committed Grand theft. Mechanically speaking its equal damage to a tool box minus the organ damage; its only benefit being it cant be dropped, and is kind of stealthy.


    Remove the Engraved Knuckle dusters from the High-risk's items listings, replacing it with a new item I've name: Portable Orders Terminal. (i suck at naming but if you got a suggestion, its probably going to be better then mine). I don't believe in completely removing the Knuckle dusters from the QM's arsenal, but i don't think it should be a High-risk Item. 

    The Portable Orders Terminal

    The Portable orders terminal, will be an items similar to the Hand held Crew Monitor. That allows access to the Supply Shuttle Console and spawns in the Qm's lockers. This items solves my 3 requirements for a useful High-risk item.
    1. Allows access to the Supply shuttle while being on the move
    2. Allows for the QM to more playstyles (allowing them to not be forced to stick cargo) giving them an advantage over  normal Cargo techs
    3. literally allows the QM to do his job easier

    The Terminal will have QM access built into it, meaning orders can be approved if they require QM access' even without a QM id.

    Protectional problems with The Portable Orders Terminal

    Anyone using the terminal can easily spend cargo's entire budget on anything the QM can order. Although this might lead to griefing and an-tag shenanigans. I think it should be tested in game before any other restrictions are implemented.

    It could be quiet easily for an an-tag to just send away the shuttle as it docks full of equipment and supply's. so implementing a one minute lift off delay after arriving on station, would stop people from abusing docking BS and deleting creates. I don't believe this solution will majorly effect normal cargo life.

    I think add a new High-risk item will allow Qm's to have more control over what comes in and out of a station, while allowing an-tags easier access to cargo create orders. Also i don't believe the knuckle dusters are a good High-risk item; I think replacing them with a new item that helps QM's do their jobs would be the best solution. As of now the QM feels like the less important command role, and giving them something that's important and relevant to their job will make them feel like a true command role.

  2. On 11/5/2023 at 9:38 AM, PeakPerformance said:

    I really like that idea, it could check if there are valid non-revivable bodies on station - It'd have to be only suicide/DNR's though as to not rob someone's body who's been dead past defib timer but still might be LR revived, and if no/not enough bodies are found it spawns them in maint as a fallback.

    when the events triggers it should prioritize players who have been dead pasted the defib timer and are still linked to the body, turning them into Alpha zombies. this would allow for people killed to still play the game in and not just spectate. To make this fair make it so that Alpha zombies once they are dead dead [aka decapitated or tumor removed] cant be turned back into normal crew, thus allowing antag's who kill their target to not feel scammed for kills.

    Also i suggest that a new Zombie language could be created, they should still be able to understand common but make them only able to talk zombie. This allows zombies to communicate with the crew being alerted. They could also be able to radios, thus allowing them to communicate across the station and also acting as a indicator to crew that theirs zombies on station.

    I would also suggest you make the Chaplin immune to the zombie infections, a big part of holy figures is smiting undead' s. Adding a Chaplin weapon that's gamic is allowing them to speak zombie could adding role play.

    maybe contemplate having holy water affect them, I'm iffy on the idea because holy water already does so much different thing, maybe making it not hurt the zombies but insted slows their movement speed. Nothing worse then playing vampire and being shot by holy water by a syringe gun, i do not think zombies should be affected by holy water to severally.

  3. I don't mind the new walls, they are alright and I get that's the look paradise is going towards

    But I absolutely hate the new reinforced wall. I think they are way too similar to the normal walls making it hard to differ between them. Honestly I think the pattern on the old reinforced wall, it made it easier to differ between the two. I don't see the need to make a new pattern that's extremely similar to the base wall, the more different they are the better it will be to tell them apart.

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