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Posts posted by Undoer


    Whilst I agree, I also disagree. For a lot of surgery, especially optional surgery, it makes sense to be knocked out first, but on the other hand I recently (read: A fair while ago) lost a Traitor round (Steal Corgi Meat, Escape alive and free), despite not doing anything to raise suspicion (Heck, Ian being missing wasn't even mentioned on the radio), simply because a nosy Surgeon decided to snoop through my bags, and my box, whilst performing Appendicitis Surgery, then leaving me on N2 until the round ended. Frankly, it was frustrating, and in future I'll be insisting on minor surgery (Such as Appendicitis) being done without being knocked out.


    I think a Local Anaesthetic would make more sense, many people IRL prefer to be awake through surgery, so it's not like it's crazy to presume people prefer to be awake through SS13 surgery (IC'ly, that is).


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