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Posts posted by chechico


    Will it be pbp or via roll20


    Also if you ge a group of rookies I could recommend d20 future as the system to use from the 3.5 era as that game could easily imitate the SS13 feeling.


    For a more fantastic feeling I've found 4e and 3.5 to be extremely fun





    Have N crewmembers records in the cloning machines (better than cloning crewmembers due to not needing the geneticist to go and get "volunteers")




    Leave the station with a picture of [you + crewmember]/[you in restricted or dangerous area]



    We need a Rock DIspenser in the bar, dispenses your own customizable rock.


    Best idea ever! ROCKS FOR ALL! :D


    When hacked you can get stones (larger rocks.) and when emaged you get boulders (useless if you don't hack the machine to throw it's produce at random if so a 3x3 rock moves in the direction wrecking anyone on its path)



    Hey I was sure I was the one who opened, bolted and led you to the porter not the drone ((W-AI-FU here))


    Now to contribute. I think one of my more memorable rounds was one of my first rounds as an AI. I got the ion storm event that gets you a random law. And I get something along the lines "Obey only Spartacus" the crew nervous due to probably fearing a "kill all crew" law started asking (ordering) to state my laws. Of course as none of them were spartacus I did not have to and started acting hurt by their mean words (and lack of usage of pleases and thank yous) when suddenly I see in the chat log a Commander Spartacus ordering me to state my laws and I proceed.


    Cue everyone in the station claiming on being Spartacus and me asking why were they telling lies to their dear waifu when suddenly a second Ion storm hits "The captain is Spartacus" was the law. And again I get the state laws petition. Between them I manage to see the captain asking me to state the laws and thus I do. The HOP said that the captain should just order to obey the crew as normal and not really bother with reseting.


    Cue third Ion storm "all the crew is spartacus" so I have to only listen to Spartacus, the captain being this fellow and the whole crew being this fellow too ergo the whole crew is the captain (a fact that I was quick to announce once I finished stating my laws)


    This lead to me getting EVA opened (ordered by a captain) letting a captain into the captains quarters while another captain took out the hand tele from the teleporter and so on and so on.


    Sadly I was quickly returned to normal by the captain and the captain who turned out to be the HOP after getting fixed



    Thanks Bone.


    Now. I believe that the best solution for nations it to give an optional crew victory condition. Like building a escape shuttle wich would need cooperation from all departments (cargo gets the resources. Science the computer boards and maybe the special ground/wall reinforcement, Engineering builds it and it's too big to be built in the station so they'd have to space walk. Medical department keeps everyone healthy an alive and security keeps would be saboteurs in check)


    This way we have two options. A cost expensive solution that takes a while as you trust the other nations not to try to eff you over OR go for the flags and look out for number 1



    Name: Kiani Kiraj

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Race: Tajaran

    Blood Type: O-

    General Occupational Role(s): Civilian corps


    Biography: Born in a human settlement, Kiani grew up being a third class citizen in her own planet. She left to one of the space colonies as the dreams and promises of space life are better than just dying on the street to be forgotten.


    She now lives within a Tajaran community in a place where there is almost no room or resources for everyone.


    The promises of a trade station are great. A chance to learn a profession and make herself useful in exchange for monetary reward (And the occasional piece of “treasure” found lying around) too good to pass around



    Willing to help.

    Willing to learn



    Employment Records:

    Part timer. Has volunteered to help as a miner, a nurse and a general repairer.

    Don’t assign her to botanic everything she grows dies



    Security Records:

    Seems to have a penchant to “find” guns and turn them back.

    Once aimed an unloaded syringe gun at a chemist (Later claimed that she was trying to turn the syringe gun back but no one was paying attention)

    Once helped protect a shift chief engineer after a syndicate agent stunned him



    Medical Records:

    Got caught in an explosion. Both legs are prosthetics


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    Black furred Tajaran. She is short even for Tajarans (Even if she gained a couple of inches after the prosthetics were added)



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:



    Oh boy, another thread of whining how karma is impossible to get and thereby bad in every way. :roll:

    Another chucklehead that plays some spotlight heavy role and gets all the karma, stepping down from their pedestal on high to put the low karma commoners in their place.


    I got enough karma to unlock slime people while I was only playing the geneticist, and they spend the majority of their time shut away in their lab, really not in the spotlight. It's not what you play, it's how you play it... and I've never played anything like a nutjob.


    I have gathered a lot of karma playing as assistant just going around the station and trying to bevhelpful



    Another possible solution for nations is to make a multi department objective like building a escape shuttle and leaving. They would need resources from cargonia, parts from RnD, is a large construction so it must be built outside the station so the engineers would space walk. Accidents will happen and medbay is always needed, security to keep the shuttle construction area safe and comandistan to coordinate the efforts or something like that.


    Also some crewmembers (probably filthy traitors) could have the objective to twart those efforts



    Granted. They also happen to be hyper-competent antagonists with you as their target getting you killed less than 10 minutes into the game and hidden in the morgue.


    I wish mechanics had more personalizing options for space pods (and mechs)


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