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Posts posted by Uso15


    So, you have a dead bird on your hands, but keep finding that cloning the fool only causes him to die again. Don't worry! in this guide, i'll show you the ass-backwards method for cloning everyone's favorite avian species!


    The Tools:


    In order to clone the vox, you'll need:


    - AI involvement or another player

    - Access to The Cloning APC, via hacking or the AI

    - Access to a mask and a Nitrogen tank (most likely from the body of the dead Vox)


    The Process


    First, strip the body of the Nitrogen tank and mask (and wallet too, if you're feeling cheeky).


    Next, scan the body in the cloner and prepare the body for cloning, like always.


    Here's where it gets weird


    Once cloning begins and the currently living Vox is in the pod, they will start taking toxin damage at a fast pace. It is important that you move quickly from here.


    Have your friend (or the AI) 'flicker', or toggle the power on and off, at the cloning APC. This will stop the process and dump the naked, half finished bird onto the floor. (i'd suggest roughly 35% complete, you can check by hovering your mouse over the cloning pod while the Vox is inside)


    VERY QUICKLY inject the fool with something, i'd suggest innaprovaline, to reduce or stop the toxin damage, while at the same time get the mask and tank on and set internals to active!


    once you have him/her hooked up to the tank, toss the soggy bird into the cryo pod, hopefully filled with clonex and not polyacid.


    If you work fast enough, you'll have a very grateful Vox on your hands, alive and well. If you miss the window and he/she keels over, don't fret. simply repeat the process until you clone the Vox successfully



    i wanted to suggest a special round to play, sometime in the future. i call it "Super Station 13"


    Two special roles, heroes and villains




    Heroes: Capture the villains running around the station

    Villains: Cause as much havoc as possible



    - Heroes are heroic: killing villains is discouraged (silver age jailing, not dark age killing)

    - Villains CAN kill, though it should be frowned on

    - Crew objective: Survive, continue as normal

    - Standard operating procedure, security should respond to the super threat as normal

    - crew can identify heroes and villains, known figures straight out of comics

    - crew can choose to help whomever as they see fit


    General ideas:


    (telecrystal-esque point system?)

    EX: spawn tools and weapons

    spawning clothes

    spawning structural enzyme “super powers”

    AI cannot take sides in conflict (both sides are threat to station)

    centcomm based message, something about “strange readings”, or something similar

    themes recommended, such as:


    Hero ideas (optional):



    Owl Man: owl-themed superhero, “owlrangs” (floor tiles) “owl rod” (stunbaton) “telowlporter” (hand tele)


    The Incredible Bulk: Hulk superpower, no breath power


    The Gentleman: Stuncane, top hat (james bond- esque throwing weapon) flashbang, etc.


    Major Tom: nasa void suit, retro laser (if it stuns), jetpack, classic EMP


    Villain ideas(optional):

    The fearcrow: mindbreaker spray bottle/chem sprayer, rough sack and gasmask, syringe gun w/mindbreaker


    Clowner: joker-esque villain, nemesis of owl man, pneumatic cannon firing boxing gloves, (comedy weapons with a deadly twist)


    The Human Welder: Fire proof enzyme, immolation enzyme


    The Sandman: sleeptox, sleepy pen, etc.


    The Silver Slimer: slime cores, plasma, blood (EMP cores)


    Win Cons:


    Heroes: All villains captured (In perma, brig cell, or mining camp)

    Villains: set objective (rough up hero X, cause Y amount of damage, steal Z amount of money, keep villain W free/alive)


    What do you think? would it be something interesting to run for a round? open to suggestions


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